Thursday, March 11, 2010

Petition Against Stalking and Terrorizing Mary Neal

Before we get into this petition which is an update on my petition that has been published online for months, please see this announcement. It is in my Sharebook at Care2, and for some reason, it is not allowed to show up on the right margin with my other shares: Reporting Opportunities for Inmates, Parolees, Police Brutality Victims & Families

The Petition Aganst Stalking and Terrorizing Mary Neal is available to sign at this link (if they let you):

This is a petition for open disclosure, equal justice, and freedom from terrorism. EVEN THIS PETITION AGAINST CENSORSHIP IS CENSORED. Most of my censorship and stalking in person and online is meant to contain information about the Guantanamo-style secret incarceration and death of lifelong mental patient, Larry Neal, and The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm Fraud that followed. - I'm not an extremist, unless it is radical to believe America should BE what it said on paper (MLK). They expect to kill Troy Davis and put him under gag order. They already killed Larry Neal and put me under one, because I RESPECTFULLY DISAGREE -

I don't know if 1.25 million sick Americans and 1 in 9 young black men are warehoused in prisons and some are killed because somebody is trying to build a perfect race or what. I ask, although that is probably privileged information like the secret death of Larry Neal.

LISTEN TO MY RADIO INTERVIEW WITH REV. PINKNEY WHEREIN I DESCRIBE MY WORST STALKING EXPERIENCE SINCE SERVING SUIT TO THE COCHRAN FIRM. I was a guest on Rev. Pinkney's BlogTalk Radio Show on October 11, 2009. You can hear our discussion regarding loss of human and civil rights by using this link:

I have a video library of evidence of cyberstalking and cybercensorship at numerous major online sites that I share with people who request a CD. One sample is online at YouTube, called PRISON LABOR PROFITS at this link:

I believe my work uncovers a plot to deny due process of law to minority citizens in certain death-by-police cases. Former Cochran Firm attorney, Shawn Holley, revealed a system of delivering substandard legal work after Johnnie's death, but it is worse than Holley knew. The scheme involves many parties in positions of power:

Larry's secret jail death was kept out of the media, but apparently, those who did that did not expect him to have literate relatives. I write about his murder myself, as well as wrongs against many other people who suffer in the "justice" system. See these links about my worst stalking experience. The 911 Emergency Call link has my police report for the night my little grandson and I were waylaid at the Chevron for an hour by a DOT truck and four cars of men. Police refuse to investigate. This article reports numerous other murders in Shelby County, TN:
Mary Neal Finally Heard from Police re: 911 Emergency Call When Waylaid

Larry Neal was arrested mid-July 2003 and incarcerated in Memphis Shelby County Jail until he died without his heart meds on August 1, 2003. If more was done to kill Larry than depravation of his vital prescription drugs while the jail repeatedly denied having him, his family is not permitted to know. Requests for judicial release of records and accountability regarding Larry's murder have been denied or ignored by authorities for over six years, including Shelby Co. Jail, the county D.A.'s office, Tennessee Governor's office, and the USDOJ. The Constitution, Bill of Rights, and U.S. Code are ignored. Deaths by police and secret deaths and abuses of inmates in county jails and U.S. prisons (particularly of African American handicapped persons) are deemed less worthy of investigation than dog abuse. That is why "DOG JUSTICE" is the name of my very censored poem about the secret arrest and wrongful death of my mentally and physically handicapped brother Larry Neal (see it below).

With over 2.3 million people incarcerated in the U.S., persons should be free to speak and write in favor of inmates' humane treatment without retaliation, especially regarding one's own handicapped relatives.

I write about Larry's secret arrest and covered-up murder and the incarceration of 1.25 million mentally ill persons in the U.S. I advocate against the death penalty, excessive sentencing, wrongful conviction, racism, the loss of civil rights by Americans, and against passage of Congressional Bill H.R. 645, which proposes to establish six emergency centers (concentration camps) in America. My articles are mostly at two sites: and

I write about THE COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD. An Alabama law firm partnered with Johnnie Cochran shortly before he became terminally ill and died in 2005. They use his name contract with and defraud clients, who are mostly minority, disenfranchised persons. In our case, The Cochran Firm protected Memphis Shelby County Jail from our lawsuit for Larry's wrongful death. The law firm simply never filed the lawsuit.Because I expose The Cochan Firm Fraud and other injustices, I am followed and accosted at neighbood businesses but denied police 911 emergency services. Affidavits from witnesses are in Neals v. The Cochran Firm, USDC, Northern Dist. of GA. More witness testimony was ready for presentation in court, but the case was dismissed without jury trial. The judge ruled that what The Cochran Firm did in defrauding our family to protect the jail, our intended defendants, was "immaterial." That is likely because African American taxpayers are considered "immaterial." In fact, in this elitist society, I found that middle-class and poor white people are also "immaterial" enough to die on execution tables while denied DNA tests to prove innocence and to have their most vulnerable family members (mental patients) locked away in prisons.

The cover-up regarding Larry's death is large, as with other prisoner abuse cases where there is no excuse for the cruelty. Some of the parties who we went to for help getting accountability after Larry's secret arrest and death are at this link:

New World Order Nullifies Constitutional Rights for Neal Family

My online submissions are regularly attacked by cyberstalkers, deleted from the Internet, pictures and comments removed from articles, and more. My emails are also attacked. They are monitored and deleted at will, before or after I read them. At least one round of emails were changed even after some of the recipients had read them. There are printouts and witnesses. One sample of my censorship is on YouTube, called PRISON LABOR PROFITS.

This petition itself is an example of censorship. The tab for "video" was deactivated on the Care2 menu, forcing me to upload a picture instead of a film. Cyberstalkers sought to prevent my loading our COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD videos from YouTube. (The links are below.)

Yahoo announced that it bounced over 2,000 emails intended for my receipt within two months (since mid-April), when I announced plans to organize a march to support prison reform as proposed by Sen. Jim Webb (VA-D), who introduced The National Criminal Justice Act of 2009, calling for a national commission to "undertake a top-to-bottom review of our entire criminal justice system." The Yahoo account was suspended daily due to illegal tampering. The announcement for the march is at this link:

HUMAN RIGHTS FOR PRISONERS MARCH - The article was covertly deleted from in Oct. 2009. Only some comments are left. The article reveals much corruption in the justice system involving prison profiteering, and it was attacked many times. See the original text after a brief update at my blog that keeps several cyberstalkers employed - - HUMAN RIGHTS FOR PRISONERS MARCH

I did not know initially how much corruption was involved in my brother's death and the conspiracy that would come against our attempts to get legal recourse and advocate for fairness in the justice system. Otherwise, I would not have written my articles advocating for justice for Larry and other inmates in so-called "independent" news sites. I would have taken a computer tech course and only used my own website. (However, I discovered recently they cybercensor it, also and can render pages or parts of pages invisible to the public.)

It is disturbing to see the censorship applied to my work. Cyberstalkers are hired to remove my articles, switch taglines on my work, and otherwise impede the spread of information about my brother's secret death UNTIL WHAT? Do they intend to pay cyberstalkers to clean up after my work forever, or just until they can catch me alone at the store? I pray, others pray for my family and me, and I continue to write about injustices, because there are many other victims. Meet some in the article at the link below that also reports what happened to college students who threaten prison investors' profits by helping to uncover wrongful convictions:

Black Relatives Killed by Police? So? Just Eat Yo Chicken and Shut Up

Yes, I report horrible injustices. During census counts a few years ago, each slave counted for 1/4 a human being. With the recession, Africans apparently digressed in human value. Larry was both African American and mentally ill, so pit bulls have more clout than he did. Many people, black and white, need DOG JUSTICE in America. Consider Kathryn Johnston's family, another victim of The Cochran Firm Fraud: KATHRYN JOHNSTON MURDER: Atlanta Police Refuse to Release Records -

After I learned that I lived in a place where mentally and physically handicapped citizens like Larry Neal could be secretly arrested and murdered and not given the investigative and prosecutorial effort of dog abuse cases, I began to research why such a thing could happen. I was already censored, but my freedom of speech and press took a serious nose-dive after publishing some of my findings as I did in my concentration camp article.
American Concentration Camps Proposed in Congress - H.R.645


All notices and requests to the police, FBI, USDOJ, and the courts for relief from the cyberterrorism, censorship, and in-person stalking have been met with no responsive action whatsoever, just as our request for records from the USDOJ under the Freedom of Information Act has not been met with the release of records, despite promises from the USDOJ that response would be had before the end of June 2009. In August, the DOJ said it is not telling us anything. Apparently, transparency in government does not apply when citizens die in secret government custody in America.


When I write articles, huge spaces appear on the public view, but the html view shows hundreds of "queries" that I have been given no explanation about. I assume they are agents of those who censor my input. An example can be seen in this blog in her Care2 Sharebook:

Larry Neal's death while under secret incarceration and his wrongful death attorneys' fraud to help the jail escape accountability should be met with due process of law. My rights to free speech and freedom of press deserve protection. Attacks against exercise of those rights and stalking are illegal, and should be addressed by law enforcement. Freedom of press should not be extended only to those who say "All is right with the world" and "The King has on a beautiful robe."

THE UNDERSIGNED request that America's justice system grant Larry Neal's family due process of law, protection from cyberstalking, censorship, and endangerment.

THE UNDERSIGNED request that the USDOJ release responsive documents relative to Mary Neal's Freedom of Information Act Request, as required by law.

THE UNDERSIGNED further request that the USDOJ conduct investigations regarding the secret arrest and death of Larry Neal and investigate any parties who may have interfered with his family's right to know what happened to this mentally and physically handicapped American and deny his family due process of law following his demise while secretly incarcerated in Memphis Shelby County Jail.


The Undersigned


THANK YOU IN ADVANCE PETITIONERS for your support as you petition the USDOJ for my protection and free exercise of First Amendment rights.

The Government refuses to tell what happened to Larry Neal and why. I am stalked, censored, and terrorized but denied police intervention because I ask for accountability. This is very Chinese of those in authority. We are frightened and remain home like Anne Frank or runaway-slaves in the Underground Railroad. When cyberstalkers disrupt my computer operations to the point that I cannot send emails and my tweets do not register at Twitter, I am forced out of the house to use PCs at the library or a computer rental business. See our USDC court case online to read the witness affidavit by the manager of a computer store who reports that her business was surrounded by about six cars of men within 15 minutes of my arrival there in 2008. She had to lock her business and employees who were getting off work exited out of the back. (Follow me at Twitter, where I am KoffieTime - - If they delete you, join me again. They often delete my followers. I gain 3 new followers and lose 2 or 3 others nearly every hour I am at Twitter. Usually, they have me on an Intranet rather than the Internet, so I cannot often re-tweet your posts. That is done so that the tweets they disallow will not post. This is always the case when I am advocating to save the life of some death row inmate. This week (3/11/10) I they took over my PC via remote access because they do not like my writing about Hank Skinner, awaiting death in Texas on 3/24/10, but denied DNA tests.)

Please note the number beside your name when you sign the petition and check back occasionally to see the support grow, as well as to ensure that your name was not deleted. (This frequently happens on human/civil rights petitions.) Whenever you sign any petition, you should check back within a week or so and see if the number for your signature has slipped backwards, which would mean that some signatures were removed that preceded your own. I know so much about their cybercensorship techniques that I may start giving classes.

Please share the petition with your friends. Whether or not they support it by signing (some people report getting a DoS and cannot sign), it is important for people to know that some citizens are being thusly treated. 8/6/09 UPDATE - The attack got worse today. I wrote a series of articles about Michael Jackson, but they were actually a protest against enforced H1N1 vaccines. They are wildly popular and were read by over 100,000 people. As my articles gained popularity, rather than the site where I publish - NowPublic - being pleased over the increased traffic to its site, technical staff there admitted to being behind the deletions of my articles and comments and photographs and suspended my membership. Regarding this petition, a friend tried to sign three time and could not.

Everything concerning Larry's secret death and his family's justice quest is kept out of mainstream news, and The Cochran Firm's fraud is not reported by consumer protection agencies for the protection of other legal services consumers. People are not supposed to know that the law firm pronounced its Atlanta office non-existent in Georgia Superior Court, then pronounced its Memphis office as being non-existent in United States District Court - the two courts where we sued them. It is likely that the firm is useful in collecting information about African Americans and other disadvantaged legal consumers.

Larry was murdered, and his family's online efforts are met with cencorship, intimidation, and endangerment. However, there may be some safety in having many people know about this, so please share widely. Try to sign, and if they prevent you or later delete your signature (as happened for some signatures on Larry's PETITION FOR DOG JUSTICE), you will know more about life under Big Brother. I have been "under" him for a few years now. The cover-up continues. See


Reply ISARConelove@..... to me show details 3:56 AM (25 minutes ago)

Reply>>>>>I was not able to sign the petition, I tried several times.


Evidence and documentation for some of the censorship can be viewed in my Care2 Sharebook. See real-time cyberstalking at YouTube at one of the many videos I filmed over the years to be able to prove this crime in court, if ever we find a judge who allows us to get to a jury - "PRISON LABOR PROFITS" at YouTube.

I often copy evidence and share on video, and numerous posts in the Sharebook were attacked. For example, if you attempt to copy/paste my Shares to a Word document, some data is coded not to paste. Some entries have been coded not to print, also. See the blog at I almost never publish any report without one or many photos, but sometimes those are also rendered invisible. See the index on the left margin of my FreeSpeakBlog for stories about criminalized mental patients, death row inmates, victims of police violence, excessive sentencing, and wrongful convictions, as well as other issues that impact the victims, their families, and the general public (who has to pay for the injustices through high prison costs ($50 billion annually) and lawsuits after police violence).


The Cochran Firm Fraud Videos 1 and 2

Video 1 -

Video 2 -


The Cochran Firm Atlanta office's commercial video above was released just a week after USDC dismissed our lawsuit against The Cochran Firm. The Cochran Firm claimed in court it had no office in Georgia or Memphis (check for those offices online). Perjury allowed. Six months after saying that in GA Sup. Ct., the firm contracted with the family of Kathryn Johnston, the black 92-yr-old woman Atlanta Police killed. Evidence regarding the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal and denial of due process of law are available at the DOCUMENTS tab at

Contact - P.O. Box 153, Redan, GA - They don't actually let calls get through to our phone (they redirect calls to voicemail and we don't get the messages, or they have a recording on the number saying the number is not in service 678.531.0262)


The DOG JUSTICE poem below is in three languages at this link:


Too bad you weren't a dog, my brother
In my heart, I cried
Many more people would care about you
And wonder why you died

You had no spots or floppy ears
You never fetched a ball
Instead, you were a human being
But poor, black, and flawed

You died in jail for mental illness
I know down in my heart
Your death would be investigated
If only you could bark

Dog deaths get swift justice
Their abusers are sent to jail
Poor Mama would have closure now
If you'd had a wagging tail

But you were made in God's image
And some day, I have no doubt
The mentally ill and American dogs
Will have at least equal clout

by Mary Neal (all rights reserved)

I don't know if 1.25 million sick Americans and 1 in 9 young black men are warehoused in prisons and some are killed because somebody is trying to build a perfect race or what. I ask, although that is probably privileged information like the secret death of Larry Neal.

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