At Christmastime it seems so cold
to lock sick people in the hole
Mental illness is their crime
Over a million doing hard time
We sing carols about Emanuel
and His blessed Mother Mary
But Jesus' left the manger now
He's locked in solitary
"Whatever you do to the least of these,
you do also to me"
Christ shivers in His lonely cell
Every sick prisoner is He
What will we do to rescue our Lord
and save Him from His plight?
God gave His Son to restore us all
Let's treat His brethren right
by Mary Neal - all rights reserved
Please also pray for a woman who was arrested and banned from Glynn County, Georgia because her husband, a Vietnam veteran with PTSD, hallucinates. He called police and falsely reported that Yvonne Hickman ran him over with her car. Mr. Hickman, a government-declared 100% mentally incompetent veteran, had no injuries and continued going to the gym every morning, and his wife's car had no damage. However, the judge ordered Ms. Hickman to leave her home and never return to Glynn County again. She was forced to leave on December 4, 2009, with only the clothes on her back. Consequently, Ms. Hickman lost her husband, her business, and their home is now in foreclosure. Her husband needs her, and she wants to look after him and try to save their home. I will write more about her later. He calls her repeatedly and does not understand why she left him, but Ms. Hickman cannot answer the phone; she is disallowed by the court from speaking with her husband. She tells her story on five(5) videos at this link in my MaryLovesJustice blog:
Our soldiers are transitioning home from Iraq soon. Many of them will have war wounds that do not show on x-rays. Can your mentally challenged loved ones call police and have you arrested and banished from your home due to PTSD hallucinations, without any sign of injury? Without your care, will your loved ones wind up homeless, imprisoned, or dead, like millions of other mentally ill Americans have?
Pray for the Hickmans and the Goolsby family. . Although Americans hope President Obama vetoes the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the ad for military camp personnel started before S.1867 was passed by the Senate.
Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering (Hebrews 13:3). And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Since you have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me (Matthew 25:40).
December 25 Update: Ms. Benjamin, the young inmates' grandmother, reports that she saw her grandson in Rockdale County Jail last week. She said he goes in and out of solitary because of his inability to act appropriately due to mental illness. It is my understanding that inmates cannot receive visitors while in "the hole." If Ms. Goolsby gets the help she needs, she will be able to see her teen before his next health crisis remands him back into solitary. Your assistance is urgently needed.
Website - Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
TWEETS ABOUT S.1867, INDEFINITE MILITARY DETENTION FOR AMERICANS WITHOUT CRIMINAL CHARGES OR TRIAL, FROM MY TWITTER @KOFFIETIME ACCOUNT - - The threat of wrongful imprisonment is now for all Americans, not just the mentally ill or young black men. When the bill becomes law, we will finally have equal opportunity incarceration, but of course, it will probably be unequally applied. Some of my Facebook friends think Christians and minorities will go CAMPing first.

Iraq vet injured at Occupy Oakland on the mend via @USATODAY
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Scooter cops trying 2 keep people off streets, but not enough of them. LIVE: #D17 #ows
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New Article, Government responds to UFFC custody death reform demands -
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If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, pray & REPENT, then I'll hear fr heaven, forgive them & heal their land. ~2Ch7:14

What will we sing after indefinite detention is law? Do we keep singing Battle Hymn of Republic like nothing happened?…

I love America & my fellow Americans. I've been called nuts to feel that way being black and victimized, but I love USA…

Sorry military fams. Looks like we lost Ms. Liberty after all…

"Not only do we have thousands of people without homes, we have thousands of homes without people." ~ OWS…

Do you realize that God has a special calling on your life?
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Announcement: @koffietime may retire. You have caffeine aplenty directly fr U.S.Senate Think 4 yourselves & yo kids.

At the courthouse to hear the results of pre-trials for 13 of the people who got tickets for holding signs, videotaping in the galleries.
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Where are the friends of the Congo? By your silence you are accomplices in the fraud!
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