Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Georgia's Confederate License Plate

GEORGIA is where I write articles and publish radio shows while encountering much interference as I stand for unity, justice, and human rights. It is where I endure financial and emotional persecution for making inquiries about my mentally, physically disabled brother who was killed while under secret arrest in the Memphis Shelby County Jail. Georgia is where my computers are continuously taken over and phones calls are redirected to prevent my civil and human rights to self-expression and due process of law. My family experienced a burglary that was denied investigation. Only our original lawsuits and evidence regarding The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm fraud were stolen. See one of Georgia's new license plates for an explanation:

The AJC wrote, "Georgia law prohibits vanity plates judged to ridicule any race or ethnicity." Lawlessness. The white supremacists have ridiculed themselves again.

MaryLovesJustice Neal
Website: Wrongful Death of Larry Neal
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Phone 678.531.0262

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