Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Memphis Police Bogus Prayer Vigil

MEMPHIS POLICE DEPARTMENT is up for accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). Your comments are invited if you have an opinion about the law officers who secretly arrested mentally, physically disabled Larry Neal in 2003, hid him 18 days in jail while lying to his family and social worker ("We don't have him"), then returned the naked body of this harmless middle aged heart patient and denied the Neal family any excuse, explanation, investigation, arrest reports, or due process of law. The Neal family does not even know how they killed Larry - Taser, restraint chair, heinous medical experiments . . . (Eleven url links are in this article.) The brutality and murders of mentally ill people in Memphis did not stop with Larry's death, and neither is police violence limited to them. At least 11 people in Memphis were killed under the color of law in 2012, and two were already shot dead by MPD in 2013. Some of the victims' families are also DENIED open records. Comment on accreditation for MPD by calling (901)636-3904 between 1pm and 3pm ET, or write Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies at 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320, Gainesville, VA 20155. Speak publicly at the police department's accreditation hearing in Memphis on February 4 at 5:30 p.m. at 949 E.H. Crump Boulevard. Tell them you object to crimes against humanity and government cover-ups.

As Memphis Police Department braces for the accreditation review, MPD scheduled a prayer vigil for February 2, 2013. (Eleven links are in this article.) Black churches will be up front for the event, called "Hands Around 201 Poplar." I do not know how many of the pastors are on Homeland Security's "Clergy Response Team" and payroll. Of course, one does not have to be a CoIntelPro preacher to pray for police officers, but ministers of God owe honesty to police officers and all people. Repentance is God's requirement for forgiveness. Black Autonomy Copwatch does not believe that requirement has been fulfilled, and it has not. See an email from Black Autonomy Federation about the prayer vigil. (Eleven url links are in this article.)

In retaliation for the Memphis Black Autonomy Federation's letter to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies opposing the accreditation of the Memphis Police Department and in an attempt to discredit and disrupt our upcoming March 15-16 International Days of Action Against Police Brutality, Mayor AC Wharton and city officials, who have enlisted black churches as a front, are putting on a pro-police prayer "vigil" this coming Saturday (see news article,

The so-called vigil, "Hands Around 201 Poplar," is being orchestrated by city officials and billed as "a stand against crime." But the mayor, the city council, the black ministers, and their allies almost never about the crime of police brutality in Memphis.

It is a crime that two Memphis cops shot and killed Steven Askew, 24, on Jan. 17, 2013, while Askew slept in his car with a gun reportedly on the front seat--a gun he was licensed to carry.

It is a crime that MPD officer Terrance Shaw shot and killed 15-year-old Justin Thompson on Sept. 24, 2012,
claiming that Thompson tried to rob him. Why couldn't Shaw, a trained cop, subdue this boy (if, in fact, Thompson needed to be subdued) without killing him? Will the investigation into Thompson's death ever be released to the public, or will the cover-up continue?

It is a crime that police beat and choked Lorenzo Davis, 28, to death on July 3, 2012, for allegedly possessing drugs. The medical examiner claimed that Davis died of cocaine poisoning, but doctors at Methodist Hospital who examined him told his mother that the only drug in his system was Tylenol.

It is a crime that Memphis police shot and killed Hernandez Dowdy, 38, on June 27, 2012, for stealing a car that was never really stolen because the white woman who owned the car filed a false police report.

It is a crime that at least 10 other people have died at the hands of Memphis police officers since Feb. 10, 2012.

It is not likely that much, if anything, will be said about these crimes of police murder at Saturday's "vigil." At our march and rally on Friday, March 15, and our mini-conference on Saturday, March 16 (details to follow), the Memphis Black Autonomy Federation, family members of people killed by the police, others who oppose police terror and corruption, including you, we hope, will protest the crimes committed by the Memphis police and begin to build a network of activists to fight police brutality in the Mid-South and around the country. We are not at all fooled or intimidated by the fake "vigil." We see it for what it is--a desperate attempt by city officials to disrupt, discredit and destroy the movement against police brutality that is developing in Memphis.

Peace and love,
JoNina Ervin
Memphis Black Autonomy Federation

P.S. Please join us on Monday, Feb. 4, at 5:30 p.m., at the police station at 949 E.H. Crump Blvd., where a public meeting will be held concerning the accreditation of the Memphis Police Department. [End of email]


Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Clergy response teams (government preachers) are discussed in this article: God Facing Layoff by Supreme Court
Government preachers must be careful. The Holy Bible says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

Don't Become Nazi America

Memphis Police Body Count

Mary Neal Finally Heard from Police

Six Mary Neal Censorship Videos

Letter to Mary Neal's Terrorists

Open Letter to Hezekiah Sistrunk (law partner of The Cochran Firm Frauds)

I got such CoIntelPro interference writing Sistrunk a letter that I decided to send him the poem that describes his firm's crime in contracting to be the Neals' wrongful death attorneys while actually helping officials cover up the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal. See "Justice Denied," a 21st century slave song, which is published below  and at this link
JUSTICE DENIED, a 21st Century Slave Song
by Mary Neal (all rights reserved)

One day Larry went missing
We looked for him high and low
For 18 days while he died in jail
“Have you got him?” The Jail said “NO!”

On August 1, police came
A dreaded knock on the door
“We have Larry’s body. He died in jail
Sorry. We won’t tell you more.”

“Well, tell it to our lawyers!
The Johnnie Cochran Firm!
Lynching is illegal!
You might get prison terms!”

“Over that sick coon? We doubt it!
But give it your best shot
We told him to stop singing loud; move on
But he would not!”

Mama cried silently as she signed her name
On the Cochran Firm’s contract
“Don’t let them kill other sick sons
Nothing can bring mine back.”

Lawyers gave us their assurance
And lots of tissues, too
Saying, “Dry your eyes, old Mama
We’ll get justice for you.”

But The Cochran Firm tricked us
Their promises were only lies
They held Larry’s case inactive
And never asked how he died

The letters David McLaughlin sent
Were false, every one!
The Cochran Firm worked for the jail
Nothing was being done

Too late to hire other attorneys
When we discovered the fraud
Larry’s case file was empty
How could they do this? Oh, Lord!

“We’ll sue you for defrauding us
You can’t treat clients like this
Larry Neal was a person
The life he had was his!

We’ll tell the Bar about your fraud
The jury will make you pay
You deserve to lose your license
New clients won’t come your way!”

“Over that sick coon? We doubt it
But give it your best shot!
Police told him, ‘Stop singing loud; move on!’
But he would not!”

Tennessee Bar said, “No biggie”
Georgia Bar ignored our complaint
Judge Shoob said, “What Cochran Firm?
There is none in this state”

“But judge, look out your window
The Cochran Firm’s right there!
On TV every few minutes
Your Honor, please be fair!”

“Get out of this courtroom!
Johnnie Cochran’s dead
We’ve got his firm and got his name
Now don’t you make us mad!”

“We’ll take you back to court again
You have a poor defense!
Your office is just blocks away
You can’t say you don’t exist!”

“We said it; judge signed it
Now get out of our face
Plead for justice all you want
You are the wrong damn race!”

“Look Media - A court order!
No Cochran Firm in Georgia!
Please tell the people to watch out
I’ll send some copies to ya!”

“Don’t bother; not interested.
Their clients are mostly blacks
Who cares if lawyers trick those folks?
It’s time you learn the facts!”

“But Larry was a human being!
He had a right to live!
The Cochran Firm worked for the jail
His death’s a secret still

We’ll write letters to Congress
And report you on the Web!
Jails and lawyers are not allowed
To conspire to hide the dead!

Georgia courts can’t protect you!
Nor the media or BBB!
We’ll tell the public what you did
And civil rights groups – you’ll see!

We’ll sue in federal court for your fraud
The jury will make you pay!
You deserve to lose your license
New clients won’t come your way!”

“Over that sick coon? We doubt it
But give it your best shot!
Police told him, ‘Stop singing loud;
move on!’ But he would not!”

“Judge look at this fraud; listen to lies
They told right in this court!
They helped the jail hide Larry’s death
While under contract with us!”

“We disclaim our Georgia office
Our Memphis office, too
Dismiss this case right now, Judge Batten
We all depend on you.

Wherever Larry’s family sues us
We claim we don’t exist
Can’t let this case ever go to jury

Sick black folks won’t be missed
Judge, don’t honor their subpoena
To Shelby County Jail
Can’t let this family ever know
What happened to Larry Neal!


This family is ridiculous
To think federal court would care
that lawyers lie to evade justice 

It’s an immaterial affair!”
“The Cochran Firm is right!”
Judge Batten did agree
“Case dismissed! Immaterial!
Don’t come here bothering me!”


“But Judge, they tricked us!
Helped police hide Larry’s death
He had a right to live his life
Regardless of his health!


Thank God! Here comes CHANGE!
We’ll tell Mr. Holder
He’ll investigate Larry’s murder
This cover-up is over!


Mr. Holder, they killed him
Under secret arrest in jail
Thank God, you’re here now
And justice cannot fail!”


“Were you waiting for me? Don’t be absurd!
Johnnie Cochran is Dead
We’ve got his firm and got his name
Now don’t you make us mad!

You don’t want to make us mad!”

 All rights reserved by Mary Neal

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

Such as you do unto ONE of the least of these, My brethren, you do it also unto me. ~Jesus Christ.

Repeat of Article:

MEMPHIS POLICE DEPARTMENT is up for accreditation by the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). Your comments are invited if you have an opinion about the law officers who secretly arrested mentally, physically disabled Larry Neal in 2003, hid him 18 days in jail while lying to his family and social worker ("We don't have him"), then returned the naked body of this harmless middle aged heart patient and denied the Neal family any excuse, explanation, investigation, arrest reports, or due process of law. The Neal family does not even know how they killed Larry - Taser, restraint chair, heinous medical experiments . . . The brutality and murders of mentally ill people in Memphis did not stop with Larry's death, and neither is police violence limited to them. At least 11 people in Memphis were killed under the color of law in 2012, and two were already shot dead by MPD in 2013. Some of the victims' families are also DENIED open records. (Eleven url links are in this article.) Comment on accreditation for MPD by calling (901)636-3904 between 1pm and 3pm ET, or write Commission for Law Enforcement Agencies at 13575 Heathcote Boulevard, Suite 320, Gainesville, VA 20155. Speak publicly at the police department's accreditation hearing in Memphis on February 4 at 5:30 p.m. at 949 E.H. Crump Boulevard. Tell them you object to crimes against humanity and government cover-ups.

As Memphis Police Department braces for the accreditation review, MPD scheduled a prayer vigil for February 2, 2013. (Eleven links are in this article.) Black churches will be up front for the event, called "Hands Around 201 Poplar." I do not know how many of the pastors are on Homeland Security's "Clergy Response Team" and payroll. Of course, one does not have to be a CoIntelPro preacher to pray for police officers, but ministers of God owe honesty to police officers and all people. Repentance is God's requirement for forgiveness. Black Autonomy Copwatch does not believe that requirement has been fulfilled, and it has not. See an email from Black Autonomy Federation about the prayer vigil. (Eleven links are in this article.)

In retaliation for the Memphis Black Autonomy Federation's letter to the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies opposing the accreditation of the Memphis Police Department and in an attempt to discredit and disrupt our upcoming March 15-16 International Days of Action Against Police Brutality, Mayor AC Wharton and city officials, who have enlisted black churches as a front, are putting on a pro-police prayer "vigil" this coming Saturday (see news article,

The so-called vigil, "Hands Around 201 Poplar," is being orchestrated by city officials and billed as "a stand against crime." But the mayor, the city council, the black ministers, and their allies almost never about the crime of police brutality in Memphis.

It is a crime that two Memphis cops shot and killed Steven Askew, 24, on Jan. 17, 2013, while Askew slept in his car with a gun reportedly on the front seat--a gun he was licensed to carry.

It is a crime that MPD officer Terrance Shaw shot and killed 15-year-old Justin Thompson on Sept. 24, 2012, claiming that Thompson tried to rob him. Why couldn't Shaw, a trained cop, subdue this boy (if, in fact, Thompson needed to be subdued) without killing him? Will the investigation into Thompson's death ever be released to the public, or will the cover-up continue?

It is a crime that police beat and choked Lorenzo Davis, 28, to death on July 3, 2012, for allegedly possessing drugs. The medical examiner claimed that Davis died of cocaine poisoning, but doctors at Methodist Hospital who examined him told his mother that the only drug in his system was Tylenol.

It is a crime that Memphis police shot and killed Hernandez Dowdy, 38, on June 27, 2012, for stealing a car that was never really stolen because the white woman who owned the car filed a false police report.

It is a crime that at least 10 other people have died at the hands of Memphis police officers since Feb. 10, 2012.

It is not likely that much, if anything, will be said about these crimes of police murder at Saturday's "vigil." At our march and rally on Friday, March 15, and our mini-conference on Saturday, March 16 (details to follow), the Memphis Black Autonomy Federation, family members of people killed by the police, others who oppose police terror and corruption, including you, we hope, will protest the crimesk committed by the Memphis police and begin to build a network of activists to fight police brutality in the Mid-South and around the country. We are not at all fooled or intimidated by the fake "vigil." We see it for what it is--a desperate attempt by city officials to disrupt, discredit and destroy the movement against police brutality that is developing in Memphis.

Peace and love,
JoNina Ervin
Memphis Black Autonomy Federation

P.S. Please join us on Monday, Feb. 4, at 5:30 p.m., at the police station at 949 E.H. Crump Blvd., where a public meeting will be held concerning the accreditation of the Memphis Police Department. [End of email]


Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Clergy response teams (government preachers) are discussed in this article: God Facing Layoff by Supreme Court
Government preachers must be careful. The Holy Bible says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

Don't Become Nazi America

Memphis Police Body Count

Mary Neal Finally Heard from Police

Six Mary Neal Censorship Videos

Letter to Mary Neal's Terrorists

Open Letter to Hezekiah Sistrunk (law partner of The Cochran Firm Frauds)

I got such CoIntelPro interference writing Sistrunk a letter that I decided to send him the poem that describes his firm's crime in contracting to be the Neals' wrongful death attorneys while actually helping officials cover up the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal. See "Justice Denied," a 21st century slave song, which is at this link and published above.

Director,  Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

Such as you do unto ONE of the least of these, My brethren, you do it also unto me. ~Jesus Christ


MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

CoIntelPro usually hides at least one of my links in articles. I thought I would do "cybersecurity" and list some of them below:

Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

Clergy response teams (government preachers) are discussed in this article: God Facing Layoff by Supreme Court
Government preachers must be careful. The Holy Bible says, "Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isaiah 5:20

Don't Become Nazi America

Memphis Police Body Count

Mary Neal Finally Heard from Police

Six Mary Neal Censorship Videos

Letter to Mary Neal's Terrorists

Open Letter to Hezekiah Sistrunk (law partner of The Cochran Firm Frauds)

I got such CoIntelPro interference writing Sistrunk a letter that I decided to send him the poem that describes his firm's crime in contracting to be the Neals' wrongful death attorneys while actually helping officials cover up the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal. See "Justice Denied," a 21st century slave song, which is at this link and published above.

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

Fly said...

You write very interesting thoughts regarding medical law. If you want to publish more blog posts and articles, you can do it on Attorney Online. For example, in a rubric of medical law articles. There is also a free attorney directory and every attorney can submit contacts there.

MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

I had hoped that my family's justice quest regarding Larry Neal's lynching and my terrorism following The Cochran Firm fraud would end on a quietly victorious note. I was raised as a Christian to live without prejudice. But after viewing a movie called "Maafa21," which is available in my FreeSpeakBlog, I recognize that powerful Caucasian elitists probably would not allow The Cochran Firm to pay damages and apologize for covering up my disabled brother's murder while under secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail even if the firm wanted to do so. None of them in that "eugenics/ genocide club" think it is necessary to treat Africans in America like real people. They believe us to be "imbeciles" and "useless eaters" and "the Negro problem" since slavery was declared illegal except for convicts, which is why America has the highest prison population in the history of the world. Upholding human and civil rights is not a popular idea in Washington at this time, either. Access the article and full-length movie about the eugenics/genocide program are available at "BLACK GENOCIDE Maafa21" at the link:

Randy McMurry, a former Cochran Firm partner, calls The Cochran Firm's fraud against black and brown people "racketeering." McMurray's documentary proof (if you need more) that The Cochran Firm engages in deliberately false or misleading advertising and does shoddy legal work that rises to the level of RICO racketeering will be published in a subsequent article. After that, please look for "Cochran Firm Fraud" wherever you buy books.

Testimony by former Cochran Firm attorneys, including Shawn Chapman Holley, Randy McMurray, and Vickie Gilliam, regarding The Cochran Firm fraud is at this article:

Randy McMurray: "The Cochran Firm Racketeers!"