Saturday, February 13, 2010

A Voice Crying in the Wilderness, Mary Neal

The United States Government should listen to old black people talk and learn from their wisdom. My grandmother used to say, "Give folks enough rope, and they will hang themselves." Government people who censor and stalk me in person and across the whole Internet have plenty of rope. They bought it with your tax money. Now they use the satellites, USDOT trucks, and DOJ personnel you pay for to terrorize my family and me for asking WHAT HAPPENED TO LARRY NEAL and advocating to decriminalize mental illness in America. It would take the powers of government to do the things that are done to intimidate us and withhold police intervention and investigation for crimes done against my family after we sued The Johnnie Cochran Firm for defrauding us to save Memphis Shelby County Jail from facing our lawsuit for the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal - - Cochran was terminally ill when we contracted with the firm and died soon after. Shawn Holley, who worked with Johnnie Cochran for 17 years until she and other ethical attorneys were reportedly fired or forced out of the firm immediately following his death, can educate you on what the law firm has now become in her NPR interview at this link:

Please don't think the Neal family's terrorism is an exhibition sport.

Ours is the FIRST American family to have a member secretly arrested and returned as a corpse without any explanation, arrest records, and denied any investigation. Once the FEMA camps planned under H.R. 645 and infrastructure improvements on the railroad are completed, also with your tax money, your family could be next. It is very frightening to stand against powerful prison profiteers and demand justice for imprisoned mental patients like my brother was. But I continue despite the danger because of this verse:

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40

I continue advocating for human rights for all prisoners - an end to capital punishment, excessive sentencing, trying and sentencing children as adults, prisoner abuse, and wrongful convictions because of this verse:

Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body. Hebrews 13:3

Nazi Germany began its quest for racial purity by eliminating mentally ill people, according to information at the Jewish Virtual Library at The mentally ill were carried away on trains to camps and killed before the Nazis started genocide against stronger members in society. The mentally ill in America are imprisoned at a rate of 1.25 million people. My advocacy for mentally ill people to be relocated to mental hospitals or released under mandatory outpatient treatment programs is greatly attacked. As you watch events unfold in America, please remember that first they came for Larry Neal.

Larry's right to life and his survivors' right to a trial by jury regarding The Cochran Firm's fraud as Larry's wrongful death attorneys are both Constitutional rights. However, Americans have many "leaders" who seek to overthrow the Constitution for individual citizens until they can abolish it completely, likely by calling Martial Law over some contrived health emergency or terrorist attack. That is treason. For information on possible national emergency health threats, see the link to my article, "End Time Reports, by Mary Neal." The link is at the bottom of this article. Slaveowners were not accountable for killing their slaves. Apparently, Larry was considered to be property of the U.S.A., and his death is deemed unworthy of the investigative and prosecutorial efforts given to dog abuse in this country - Constitutional rights be damned! If any citizen is treated as disposable government property, then can we be certain that this is not indicative of a similar mindset concerning us all? An injustice anywhere is a treat to justice everywhere, as Dr. King admonished.
Below are my tweets for January 30 through February 13, 2010.

On Twitter, my tweets post with the note "posted 3 hours ago on the web." Then when I hit "home," the time noted changes to just minutes ago. What may be happening is that my tweets are being posted at Twitter, but they are positioned with tweets that are three hours old to minimize the number of people who actually read them. How often do you review tweets from several hours past to see what was said by people you follow? Never. If that is happening, it is done to minimize the number of people exposed to my messages about Larry's secret arrest and murder and The Cochran Firm's fraud as our wrongful death attorneys, reduce exposure about the government's refusal to honor our civil rights and its actual participation in Larry's murder cover-up, and prevent our advocacy for 1.25 million other mentally ill inmates because many officials are prison profiteers, which some equate to modern slaveowners. I believe such illegal acts can be done without online media companies' knowledge or participation. The same simple, effective tactic is employed at online news sites to prevent censored news from reaching the front page. Writers' submissions are backdated when they are uploaded to minimize the number of hits that those stories appear to receive within the first few hours of publication (before they were actually published). That way, the news stories being censored never become headline news. Most writers may never notice, and if they do notice and complain, they might be suspended.

I wrote Twitter a tweet about this on February 13 and 14, 2010. I assess whether the cyberstalking is done with the web companies' knowledge by the response or lack of response that follows my complaints. There is a bailout planned for media that participate in censoring your news. I believe some online companies will be beneficiaries along with mainstream media, and we may never get an accurate report of which companies will be paid off. Free press and free speech are enemies of every communist and Nazist government, and they are the first casualties when such governments come to power. See the example below wherein I asked my followers for help determining the cause of the problem. I sent the tweet seconds ago, and it says it posted three hours ago.
@RevPinkney Followers, pls note what time you receive this message. It is 7:16 p.m. 2/14/10 in Atlanta. Thanks. from web
Put "Mary Neal" in yo browser w/ inmate's name or prison issue 2 see if I wrote about it at from web

Put "Mary Neal" in yo browser w/ inmate's name or prison issue 2 see if I wrote about it at or other sites #prison from web
@PulseonDems I'm not a Sarah Palin supporter, but I have some tea bags, too

Who ever heard of a USDOT trk delivering stuff to ppl's homes? They did that @ hm across fr me to intimidate us. less than a minute ago from web

Ppl, they even moved folks in across the street in a USDOT truck to intimidate my family after a USDOT truck followed & accosted us in '08. 2 minutes ago from web

Wrongly convicted inmates & incarcerated mentally ill who I advocate for can opt in on lawsuit for Net Freedom. MUCH video proof - #prison 5 minutes ago from web

I like it that Cointelpro has mics back open on my PC. I cuss them all day. Gotta settle this b4 I lose my religion! 8 minutes ago from web

Who but the FBI can follow me across the Internet & interrupt my Net Freedom, have my witnesses beaten by police, etc. 9 minutes ago from web

Only Washington could allow judges to say there's no Cochran Firm law office in GA & dismiss our lawsuit w/ firm in view of the courthouse. 11 minutes ago from web

Who else but Washington could tell DeKalb Co. Police to ignore my 911 call & ignore my family's endangerment? 14 minutes ago from web

Can I make citizens arrest at FBI office for cyberstalking me-chasing me in USDOT trucks-harassing my niece for serving suit on Cochran Firm 18 minutes ago from web

@iammilitary USA pharaohs won't dog out my American fam & wear flowing royal purple robes. See their RED undergarments. 32 minutes ago from web

Pharaohs, U will NOT dog out my fam & wear purple royal robes. I have exposed your RED underwear. 43 minutes ago from web

@UtdStorageATL May sue FBI for stalking & censoring me Dr. King should have. They're still at it about 1 hour ago from web in reply to UtdStorageATL

@UPI_top May sue FBI for stalking & censoring me Dr. King should have. They're still censoring MLK about 1 hour ago from web in reply to UPI_top

@twittQ May sue FBI for stalking & censoring me Dr. King should have. They're still censoring MLK about 1 hour ago from web in reply to twittQ

@ABC Martin Luther King should have sued FBI for stalking & censoring him, too. They're still at it MLK's final speech about 1 hour ago from web in reply to ABC

Martin Luther King, Jr. should have sued FBI for stalking & censoring him, too. They're still at it! MLK's final speech about 1 hour ago from web

Everyone knows The Cochran Firm has Atlanta office & they know there's an FBI. Would judge declare FBI nonexistent like Cochran Firm Atl ? about 1 hour ago from web

Cointelpro, if we sue FBI for cyberstalking, will judge say FBI does not exist like when we sued The Cochran Firm? about 1 hour ago from web

@abcnews (1) Larry Neal's family suit 4 civil rights; (2) AIMI suit 4 Net Freedom. See and about 1 hour ago from web in reply to abcnews

@RevPinkney We need an honest lawyer w/ courage! See and Find us a lawyer not afraid of NWO about 1 hour ago from web

@NeedALawyer Yes, need an honest lawyer w/ courage! See and Find us a lawyer not afraid of NWO about 1 hour ago from web in reply to NeedALawyer

Amnesty International, here's data used in Care2 ecards that cyberstalkers stripped of my data-Sue w/ me 4 Net Freedom! about 1 hour ago from web

Car just hurried into driveway of house I suspect cyberstalkers use 2 put my PC on their network & prevent my online access-May get cut off about 2 hours ago from web

My Care2 ecards re Amnesty Int'l conference in Atlanta arrived to addressees BLANK! AI can opt in our lawsuit 4 Net Freedom. I filmed it. about 2 hours ago from web

Amnesty International, yo name didn't appear searching Twitter's FIND PEOPLE under AI or whole name. Hmmm. See this about 2 hours ago from web

Amnesty International, I am surprised you're not on Twitter according to my search @ FIND PEOPLE. You need 2 see my video of yo censorship about 2 hours ago from web

[My articles usually make front page at Care2, but my attempt to notify people about AI's Atlanta conference in November 2009 got fewer than 10 notes because my message was curtailed by cyberstalkers. Care2's Amnesty International group is not affiliated with the international human rights organization, but its 40,000 members are committed to civil/human rights and support AI's programs and goals, as do Care2 members in many other groups where I tried to post information about the conference. News of the AI Southern Regional Conference would have made front page among so many AI supporters had my Care2 ecards not been stripped of data, just as my ecards about a planned execution and a wrongful conviction arrived to addressees stripped of data a couple of months prior to that and Care2 reported that the network had been attacked by cyberstalkers. Human rights is attacked online.

Dr. King was censored and stalked throughout his advocacy just as human rights activists are stalked and censored today, and likely by the same agency. Dr. King's final speech, "I've Been to the Mountaintop," is an example of ongoing censorship against that great civil rights icon and his justice quest. References to "dogs and water hoses" and "illegal injunctions" are omitted in practically all online text presentations of his final speech, but the censored text is presented to the public as being literal translations of his final words to the world. Pharaohs who strip Americans of our rights do not want us to recognize that Dr. King and others had to stand against powerful forces within our own government to have their civil rights honored. Sadly, this has not changed, as Larry Neal's secret arrest and wrongful death illustrate. People who want to remain free must RESIST OPPRESSION peacefully like Dr. King and the Freedom Riders, who were people of different races, ethnicities, and socio-economic backgrounds. UNITE, and we shall overcome attacks against our Constitutional rights. Americans must stand together as brothers or perish together as fools, just as Dr. King said.]

@washingtonpost Join my censorship class action lawsuit. I have film showing them preventing my posts & emails to WP about 2 hours ago from web

@bbcworld Black, indigent Americans who are sick have NO Constitutional rights - not even the right to life! about 2 hours ago from web in reply to bbcworld

@TheMark1000 Black, indigent Americans who are sick have NO Constitutional rights - not even the right to life! about 2 hours ago from web

Pharaohs, please don't stop my mail like U do my emails & calls to 678.531.0262. Americans have Constitutional rights! about 2 hours ago from web

If U can't reach me by phone 678.531.0262 (monitored & controlled) write me at MaryLovesJustice, P.O. Box 153, Redan, GA 30074-0153 about 2 hours ago from web

Cyberdogs, do y'all send my son's resume responses to SPAM like U do mine? U punish us w/ poverty 4 telling about Larry Neal's murder! about 2 hours ago from web

PHARAOHS, y'all will either honor my free press ritghts or be EXPOSED as NWO hypocrites who hate the Constitution. about 3 hours ago from web

@PrisonMovement After my niece facilitated services of our Cochran Firm Fraud lawsuit, FBI went 2 question her about nude dancing! She's 47! about 3 hours ago from web

@PrisonMovement Has anyone ever sued the FBI 4 Cointelpro activities like I endure in prisoner advocacy? #prisons See about 3 hours ago from web in reply to PrisonMovement

@LibertyRoundTbl Class Action Suit 4 Net Freedom - Demand end 2 murder cover-up by DOJ about 3 hours ago from web in reply to LibertyRoundTbl

Vick, they censor my rpts that while U were prosecuted 4 dogs, they hide Larry Neal's murder. Let's sue 4 Net Freedom! about 3 hours ago from web

Family of acute mental patient Andre Thomas, they censor my rpts & petition 2 save Andre from TX execution. Let's sue 4 Net Freedom #prison about 3 hours ago from web

Family of acute mental patient Andre Thomas, they censor my rpts & petition 2 save Andre from TX execution. Let's sue 4 Net Freedom! about 3 hours ago from web

Jamie & Gladys Scott, they censor my rpts that U got LIFE SENTENCES for $11 theft. Let's sue for Net Freedom #prison about 3 hours ago from web

Gina, as Jeremy Smith's mother, join me in suing for Net Freedom. They censor my news re: Jeremy's petition & illness about 3 hours ago from web

Jeremy Smith's petition & articles suffer illegal censorship, Gina, 2 prevent my telling he faces life in prison for TALKING BACK TO GUARD. about 3 hours ago from web

Darrell Lomax, they prevent my online news about U facing wrongful execution in CA. Let's sue for Net Freedom! about 3 hours ago from web

EVERYBODY who got my Care2 ecards w/ news about Thomas Arthur illegally deleted by cyberdogs, join in class action suit for Net Freedom! about 3 hours ago from web

Jeff Woods, they censor my effort 2 help U avoid TX execution under Law of Parties 4 murder U did not do. Let's sue for Net Freedom! about 3 hours ago from web

Sgt. Russell, you face 5 counts of murder instead of treatment for PTSD. They cyberstalked my effort to help U. Let's sue 4 Net Freedom about 3 hours ago from web

@nytimes Thomas Arthur's DNA test resutls were sealed by court when he proved innocent & my news was cyberstalked. Thomas, let's sue 'em! about 4 hours ago from web in reply to nytimes

@nytimes Troy Davis is under gag order, so I write for him, then CYBERSTALKERS move the posts fr Internet. Troy, let's sue 4 Net Freedom! about 4 hours ago from web in reply to nytimes

Troy Davis is under gag order, so I write for him, then CYBERSTALKERS move the posts fr Internet. Troy Davis, let's sue 4 Net Freedom! about 4 hours ago from web

Troy Davis, Thomas Arthur, Sgt. Russell, Scott Sisters, CYBERSTALKERS prevent my effort to help U. Let us sue 4 Net Freedom together #prison about 4 hours ago from web

@smprisonplanet Suit planned 4 censorship re prisoner issues - about 4 hours ago from web in reply to smprisonplanet

NEED A BAILOUT? Did U receive empty Care2 ecards I sent about Thomas Arthur on Sept. 1? Class action suit re censorship planned for AIMI. about 4 hours ago from web

@Care2 Cointelpro is preventing my updates 2 billboard at Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill - HELP about 7 hours ago from web

When U see controversial videos at YouTube, note the length posted to ensure that what U C is the whole film! Cointelpro cut 6 min. fr mine! about 7 hours ago from web

@Google please watch my YouTube Cochran Firm Fraud video #2. Cointelpro prevents last 6 min. about 7 hours ago from web

@Google My YouTube Cochran Firm Fraud video stopped @ 1.37 minutes on my PC. Did Cointelpro delete 6 min. of footage? Please help! about 7 hours ago from web
[After sounding the alarm on Twitter, the COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD #2 video was allowed to play in full. I don't know how long they had it coded to stop at 1.37 min., because cyberstalkers delete my Adobe Flash program from my home PC to prevent my access to YouTube videos. They also prevent my uploading some of my videos that prove the cyberstalking on my blog at and at YouTube. In fact, even my comments are barred from YouTube and many other online sites. Months ago, I discovered cyberdogs had taken both COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD videos down from YouTube. I wrote an article that my Care2 friends and other concerned members promoted to front page. The videos were then reinstated, but they now have a lie underneath them saying they were posted in response to some recording artist I know nothing about. The videos were posted as a response to TERRORISM BY A DRIVER IN A USDOT TRUCK and men in four other vehicles that followed my little grandson and me for six miles and waylaid us at a Chevron station for an hour on 9/27/08 while waiting for 911 assistance that did not come.]

SEE if Cointelpro allows U to see our YouTube Cochran Firm Fraud videos 1 & 2 about 7 hours ago from web

Article: No Statute of Limitations on Larry Neal's Secret Arrest & Murder (waterboarded 2 death) - about 7 hours ago from web
[I don't actually know that my mentally and physically disabled brother was waterboarded to death. I made the assertion hoping that the DOJ would say, "No, that is not how he was murdered. Here is what happened." But instead, Larry Neal's survivors continue to be illegally deprived of any explanation or accountability whatsoever for his 2003 murder in a government-owned facility (that is saying that YOU own the facility where my brother died, we the people, so please ask who killed Larry, if you are not afraid of your government yet.) Maybe I accidentally arrived at the truth about how the harmless, lifelong mental patient was murdered - waterboarding practice for "enhanced interrogation" - just as I accidentally discovered that Martin Luther King's final speech is censored.]

Cointelpro, stop preventing my updates @ Assistance 2 the Incarcerated Mentally Ill right now! Is "yassa boss" the only free speech allowed? about 7 hours ago from web
[My censorship at Care2 does get corrected no matter how many alarms I sound on Twitter or my Google profile page and regardless to how many HelpDesk requests I send to Care2. I am denied numerous membership privileges, such as a "reply all" button on my email box and an RSS feed from my Sharebook to my advocacy group, Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill. Some online links to my Sharebook shares had the "www" replaced with the word "primate," and the links led to a photo of a large, black ape rather than to my shares. I keep my membership at Care2 despite the disrespect because of the supportive online friends I have there and the network's high visibility online. Poor people's campaign for equal treatment has always suffered violence. Like slaves in the Old South, I take the abuse and think to myself that some day, we shall overcome. Some day, AIMI's advocacy to decriminalize mental illness in America will attract the support of a person or organization who God sends to help the least of these, His brethren - mentally ill Americans who are sick, naked, and imprisoned, like He spoke about in Matthew 25.]

Is there an activation date planned for U.S. Constitutional protections of the right to life, free press & free speech? Not in effect yet. about 8 hours ago from web

@UN See who joined AIMI to help decriminalize mental illness in the USA! about 8 hours ago from web

@PulseonDems See who joined our work 2 decriminalize mental illness in USA about 8 hours ago from web in reply to PulseonDems

@mentalhealth1 See who joined our work 2 decriminalize mental illness in USA about 8 hours ago from web in reply to mentalhealth1

@healthgenius See who joined our work 2 decriminalize mental illness in USA! about 8 hours ago from web in reply to healthgenius

See who joined our work to decriminalize mental illness in America! about 8 hours ago from web

Please visit our photo album for Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill at about 9 hours ago from web

My mailing address - MARY LOVES JUSTICE - P.O. Box 153 - Redan, GA 30074-0153 about 10 hours ago from web

@Twitter - Why do tweets I just posted say they posted three hours ago? Check 4 Cointelpro interferrence, please. about 10 hours ago from web

A street is closed in my area due 2 bridge out for 6 mo. but infrastructure improvements will center on RAILROADS - to FEMA camps? about 10 hours ago from web

Article: There is NO Statute of Limitations on Larry Neal's Murder - under secret arrest, used 4 waterboarding training about 10 hours ago from web

There is NO statute of Limitations on Larry Neal's Murder about 10 hours ago from web

Help the least of these, His brethern - the incarcerated mentally ill. 4:57 PM Feb 11th from web

Visit AIMI online - - See you there! 4:56 PM Feb 11th from web

Love ye one another as I have loved you. - Jesus Christ 4:55 PM Feb 11th from web

Browse online for "The Cochran Firm Fraud." Be careful what lawyer you get to sue for abuse and murders of mentally ill inmates! 4:54 PM Feb 11th from web

DOG JUSTICE Poem and Petition for Secret Arrest & Wrongful Death of Larry Neal - top secret - 4:52 PM Feb 11th from web

Ohio mentally ill inmates filed suit to say, "Stop imprisoning us for being sick! Treatment works better & costs less!" 4:51 PM Feb 11th from web

Pray for me and for our advocacy - Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill. Sick Americans need DOG JUSTICE! 4:50 PM Feb 11th from web

People who care about human rights should look at their investment portfolios to ensure they're not part of the problem - private prisons. 4:48 PM Feb 11th from web

People, get yo mentally ill loved ones away fr prison profiteers! Sue like Ohio inmates! 4:46 PM Feb 11th from web

Mainstream media may never write my name (hiding Larry Neal's murder), but the work to decriminalize mental illness is BLESSED & we'll WIN! 4:44 PM Feb 11th from web

Mentally Ill inmates in Ohio Sue Ohio Prisons - Treatment, Not Punishment 4 the Disabled! 4:43 PM Feb 11th from web

Get yo mentally ill kinfolks out of prison! Sue for equal justice for Americans w/ mental dysfunctions like Ohio inmates are doing! JUSTICE! 4:41 PM Feb 11th from web

God sent me to tell prison profiteers, "LET MY PEOPLE GO!" Don't make $ imprisoning Americans with mental disabilities. Treatment, not jail! 4:35 PM Feb 11th from web

God's word doesn't go out and return to Him void. Ohio mentally ill inmates are now suing because y'all criminalized mental illness! Great! 4:34 PM Feb 11th from web

TOO LATE TOO LATE 2 stop yo cyberstalking & censoring my input online now. I already have HUNDREDS of videos people will upload for me, DOGS 4:31 PM Feb 11th from web

Since censorship force knows now that I videotape their online interference AS IT HAPPENS, they prevent my PCs from going online fr my home. 4:29 PM Feb 11th from web

Folks need to hire mo stalkers - not use same ones always. I notice & take photos. Patrons get 1 hr on PCs - WHY DID HE HAVE UNLIMITED USE? 4:28 PM Feb 11th from web

Just confronted man who's @ library EVERY TIME I come & lives around corner fr my hm where my PCs are taken over via remote access. 4:26 PM Feb 11th from web

Hello, everyone! Just wanted to assure you I am still around. Many blessings! Pls visit 3:03 PM Feb 11th from web

Are you a little concerned that infrastructure improvments regard the RAILROAD? 3:51 PM Jan 30th from web

The Loop21, August 8: Web Attack Aimed at One Activist Blogger 3:16 PM Jan 30th from web

@AP At least Thomas Arthur will get a hearing re death penalty since his DNA results show he is innocent. His chances? 1:47 PM Jan 30th from web

@NeedALawyer I have the IP no. to one of the computers that takes over my home PC & puts me on their network for censorship. Can U help? 1:44 PM Jan 30th from web

@Pitch_Doctor Hi! Thx 4 follow. Please visit my blog @ if they let U. I'm censored & stalked 2 hide murder 1:42 PM Jan 30th from web in reply to Pitch_Doctor

@VotingCentral - I have a DoS again. Although logged in @ VC, if I try 2 comment or vote, I'm told 2 log in again & again. Cointelpro again? 1:40 PM Jan 30th from web

Thomas Arthur passed DNA test in July, but AL judge sealed his results & execution plans continued! A hearing scheduled 1:36 PM Jan 30th from web

Please see more about coming events at the link below.


Read mail between Nazis regarding Germany's final solution for mentally ill citizens at this Jewish Virtual Library link:

Before there is a murdered citizen no. #872,645, there is a murdered citizen #1: Larry Neal. Who will be next? How many will follow him into government-sanctioned secret arrest and extermination? How many MUST follow him before Americans please wake up? Your assistance is invited sharing information about the threat to America's infirmed, elderly, and/or institutionalized persons, acute mental patients in particular. The USDOJ is entrusted with the responsibility to guard the human/civil rights of those persons and all Americans. As you should realize from my accounts about my brother, Larry, the DOJ is doing a very poor job and not trying to improve. Lack of proper overview for jails, prisons, mental health facilities, and nursing homes may one day negatively impact your family as it has the Neals - unless you are wealthy. Larry's wrongful death cover-up reveals that Americans' civil rights are actually held in contempt by those who swore to honor and protect our Constitutional rights.
Follow me at Twitter, where I am KoffieTime -
In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
Matthew 3:1-2

Mary Neal

Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill

P.O. Box 153
Redan, GA 30074-0153

-- Mary Neal's Google Profile - - Get the RSS feed for my Care2 Sharebook at: - Get the RSS feed for my Twitter KOFFIETIME at - Current, urgent justice issues from a laywoman's viewpoint at my primary blog (the name is a joke, believe me) Recommended articles -

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