How did I decide which candidate to support for president? I chose the man most likely to end gangstalking against American citizens, which I endure to hide my handicapped brother's murder while under secret arrest . That is so racist. It's a bonus that Ron Paul is also the only candidate who has a platform against avoidable wars, the proliferation of the prison industrial complex, and he introduced H.R.3785 to repeal the CONCENTRATION CAMP provision in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). They are referred to as "re-education camps" in the link near the end of this article. I do not agree with Rep. Paul on everything, but I doubt if he'd censor or banish Americans to concentration camps over our points of disagreement. He probably wouldn't order hits on Americans without criminal charges and trials, either. So, for me it was a simple decision. I support the candidate who seems most committed to upholding the Constitution. Who did you choose? What were your reasons?
I am so tired of being censored, stalked, terrorized and financially persecuted for asking HOW AND WHY WAS LARRY NEAL KILLED and fighting cyberstalkers to post any articles to decriminalize mental illness and end DP, that I hope for Change. The cyberstalkers I was assigned have destroyed thousands of dollars worth of computer equipment over the last three years. They monitor and curtail my emails and telephone calls to prevent employment opportunities from reaching my family. (There are thirteen(13) links in this article, two photos, and one(1) video. Select "go to page 1" if you use a cell phone, please. We'll innumerate the paragraphs later. I will wait to see which ones their stalkers lift.) And they threaten Larry Neal's survivors with malicious prosecution, child abductions and mutilation, and legal kidnapping, which I take as a threat of concentration camp internment - all for asking why Memphis Shelby County Jail was allowed to secretly arrest my handicapped brother and return him as a naked corpse with no questions allowed. I continue to ask questions about the murder and advocate against mass incarceration, capital punishment, and prison profiteering. Therefore, Internet censorship and in-person stalking, financial persecution, cyber threats, interruption of mail, email, and phone calls continue. I really hate the stalkers took over my Care2 advocacy group, Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill, which I spent thousands of hours developing. But prisons are big corporations, and of course, corporate interests are put ahead of the constitutional rights Americans have on paper but not in actuality. Are you concerned about infringements on civil rights?
For me, the only campaign issue is whether our country will continue its slide into Nazism or if The People will unite and elect Ron Paul to arrest the slide to hell and return Amercans' human and civil rights. May 3, 2012, reports: A leaked U.S. Army
document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for
“political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” into developing an
“appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the
United States. (I posted that link at Facebook and got a message saying the URL was blocked from Facebook. Then I looked at Southern Command's Facebook page and saw the link. These people censor Mary Neal with particularity because they do not want African Americans to know that the holocaust on our people has already started. It began with the secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal, which the United States Department of Justice helped Memphis Shelby County Jail to cover up in 2003, and the current administration continues the cover-up. Other black people experiencing emotional or psychological issues have also disappeared or suffered arrest and then were returned to their families as corpses: Mitrice Richardson of California, Timothy "Bulldog" Allen of Michigan, and recently, Patrick Toney, a Bowie State adviser. He died in/after police custody in Maryland. News reports indicate Toney was suffering from an apparent nervous breakdown while driving, and he was arrested (which is certainly not what happens when people have physical health crises). People do not die from nervous breakdowns, but Toney died after being incarcerated for three days. Please Google my name with any of the people in my articles to learn more specific information about them.
I am persecuted, censored, and terrorized for advocating for mentally challenged Americans of all races. Visit my online group CoIntelPro-like agents took over - Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill. See also Dog Justice for Mentally Ill at . I started my advocacy after the secret arrest and wrongful death of my brother, Larry Neal. It was surprising and painful to know that the mentally ill in America are warehoused and mistreated in prisons - 1.25 million sick people, rather than treated in hospitals and community care. Nazi Germany began its Holocaust by isolating and killing roughly 400,000 people who were labeled as mentally ill, including two-year-olds, whether they looked Aryan or Jewish.
I am persecuted, censored, and terrorized for advocating for mentally challenged Americans of all races. Visit my online group CoIntelPro-like agents took over - Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill. See also Dog Justice for Mentally Ill at . I started my advocacy after the secret arrest and wrongful death of my brother, Larry Neal. It was surprising and painful to know that the mentally ill in America are warehoused and mistreated in prisons - 1.25 million sick people, rather than treated in hospitals and community care. Nazi Germany began its Holocaust by isolating and killing roughly 400,000 people who were labeled as mentally ill, including two-year-olds, whether they looked Aryan or Jewish.
One man who signed my family's petition for "Dog Justice 4 Larry Neal" wrote a comment: "You can have justice in America if you can afford to pay for it." Perhaps under Ron Paul, things will be different. Of course, Paul doesn't look much like me, but I am not so narcissistic to think it matters. I like the idea of avoiding WWIII for many years and reducing the number of people flooding into prisons to enable corporations and government agencies to lay off workers who are "free" (debtors' prisons are back!). It seems a good idea to stop the growth of the citizens police force (neighborhood spies and gangstalkers), end censorship and terrorism against people who stand up for what used to be our CIVIL RIGHTS, and eliminate the threat of the White House using CONCENTRATION CAMPS that are presently being staffed to intern people without any reason being named and without allowing victims any opportunity for defense. "BANISH THEM TO THE CAMPS! THEY'RE WEARING BLUE, AND I LIKE GREEN!" (Since no reason for putting people in indefinite military detention camps is necessary, any reason will do.) I covered the subject in "AVOID SLAVERY - SUPPORT H.R.3785" . It seems the more American jobs that are outsourced overseas and to prison labor projects, the more prisons open in the U.S.A., where 1 in 9 young black men presently suffer and where one million inmates (prison slaves) work up to 72 hours weekly on jobs that were removed from the public sector. Do you know anyone who is unemployed because corporations can ship Americans' jobs overseas or behind prison walls without penalty and still get tax breaks, credits, and bailouts if desired? Do you know anyone who is imprisoned at the cost to struggling taxpayers of $50,000 per year or more? Does the inmate you know work for a big corporation or a government entity? Is it a former union job?
It would be so REFRESHING to write an article to glorify God or to decriminalize mental illness or voice my aversion to capital punishment without cyberstalkers coding parts of the article to appear in small print or disappear altogether. Sometimes, it takes me all night to publish one article with stalkers changing my input as I type. Lately, I've done more radio live shows to spare myself the aggravation. I published my first MaryLovesJustice broadcast on Talk Shoe Conference Call and Blogtalk Radio May 2, called "STOP CAPITAL PUNISHMENT IN BIBLE BELT STATES" RADIO BROADCAST. I would like to know that if I make a police report, the police won't demand that I shut up about crimes done to hide my brother's murder and The Cochran Firm fraud against minorities nationwide. It would be heavenly to have privacy in our own home again and receive all our telephone calls! Today, my niece came to visit us, but no one heard her knock. She called to say she was in the driveway, but our phone did not ring. The stalkers turn off our ringer whenever they choose. Yes, of course we changed telephone equipment and phone numbers numerous times, and phone carriers, too. Nothing helps. Trying to have free speech by doing those things is as futile as buying a new computer is. It only takes their stalkers an hour or less to take over a new PC. My niece left a voice mail, and the phone stalker did not erase it! That was likely an oversight, because my niece's call was deleted from the list of calls we received today.
Officials at the United States Justice Department helped Shelby County Jail cover up Larry Neal's murder in 2003. Whereas contracts made with The People, such as the Constitution, are dishonored, deals made to protect crimes against The People are apparently honored from one administration to another. Lynchings that officials arrange to go without investigation and prosecution are not to be discussed. As November draws closer, it is even challenging for us to communicate with our own family members. That is how it was when Nazi Germany started isolating and eliminating handicapped people, too. Families and neighbors were not allowed to complain, and only fools would expect government investigations! LOL! I have been a fool, because I did not know how much things had Changed. So now, I'm being cruelly taught how things are in New America. I don't like it. I really enjoyed feeling free until I asked the forbidden question (What happened to Larry Neal?), even if my freedom was mythical. Do you know anyone else who is disillusioned?
I never planned to go "back to Africa," but I resent attacks on that continent, which I feel are done because she is rich in diamonds, oil, unspoiled real estate, and has a fine crop of dark potential prison laborers. The problem is that protesting war may be considered "belligerent." The purpose of Section 1021 of NDAA is supposedly to provide concentration camps to indefinitely intern people who were connected with bombing the trade towers (good idea!) and those who are "belligerent" against the U.S. Government. Since there are probably not more than a few people who helped to destroy the Trade Towers, possibly millions of camp detainees will be interned for being contentious with Pharaohs. If African Americans and other minorities have to watch our relatives get secretly arrested and killed without complaint (which is what the Neal family is demanded to do), and if whites are moral enough to oppose that happening, I suppose officials are right to hire lots of camp guards, which seems to be happening now. The Army started recruiting for "Internment Resettlement Specialists" even before November 30, 2011, when Congress passed NDAA. See the ad at this link: . Have you ever said anything that is contentious with Congress or the White House? Have you or someone you love attended any protests? Is anything "belligerent" on your email and social media accounts?
I never planned to go "back to Africa," but I resent attacks on that continent, which I feel are done because she is rich in diamonds, oil, unspoiled real estate, and has a fine crop of dark potential prison laborers. The problem is that protesting war may be considered "belligerent." The purpose of Section 1021 of NDAA is supposedly to provide concentration camps to indefinitely intern people who were connected with bombing the trade towers (good idea!) and those who are "belligerent" against the U.S. Government. Since there are probably not more than a few people who helped to destroy the Trade Towers, possibly millions of camp detainees will be interned for being contentious with Pharaohs. If African Americans and other minorities have to watch our relatives get secretly arrested and killed without complaint (which is what the Neal family is demanded to do), and if whites are moral enough to oppose that happening, I suppose officials are right to hire lots of camp guards, which seems to be happening now. The Army started recruiting for "Internment Resettlement Specialists" even before November 30, 2011, when Congress passed NDAA. See the ad at this link: . Have you ever said anything that is contentious with Congress or the White House? Have you or someone you love attended any protests? Is anything "belligerent" on your email and social media accounts?
Will tapes of your phone conversations show you disagree with officials on a couple of points? Oh, oh. That's belligerent, which means "contentious." Therefore, whether or not you support Rep. Ron Paul for president, PLEASE support H.R.3785, the congressional bill to repeal Section 1021 of NDAA. I went to numerous protests to save condemned people facing execution last year, including Troy Davis. I also asked why my handicapped brother was secretly arrested and murdered and made it quite clear that I denounce mass arrest, prisoner torture such as solitary confinement and waterboarding, and that I think people should get at least equal protection under the law that dogs have in America. All of that may be considered "belligerent." We must support H.R.3785 so we can stop making liars out of American school children every morning when they call this a land of "liberty and justice for all."
Warning: Reading and sharing articles by people with a philosophy of liberty may be considered "belligerent." If you wish to take a chance, please share this article and others that are in my FreeSpeakBlog. Use the handy index on the left side to see titles (I don't know if the ones stalkers coded to show up light gray on my view show on your view at all). The same invitation goes for articles in all my human rights advocacy blogs: MaryLovesJustice, and JusticeGagged, and Davis/MacPhail Truth Committee (my latest censored blog for anti-DP advocacy). Please read and share articles I published at and in my Care2 Sharebook, also. Copy part or all of any of those; just include a link back to my source article. My blogs are for you and your friends to know what is happening and equip you to project (and oppose) what is planned. On the other hand, my articles at HubPages can only be shared by sending the link. Check out "Justice Mountain" and "Lynching America." Just Google those titles or "Mary Neal HubPages."
I write a often because I am home so much. They obviously decided to punish me with poverty for revealing "The Cochran Firm Fraud" (Google that), which is accomplished by preventing my electronic communication with potential employers. Before starting the justice quest regarding the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal I used to work between 8 and 16 hours a day as a legal secretary, so writing is what I do. It is a drag to be so oppressed. Although I am an African American, I am not cut out for slavery. I keep forgetting that the Constitution is just a museum piece now, and being absent minded about that can be dangerous. Therefore, it seems wise for everyone, particularly minorities, to support Ron Paul for president and try to slow this train down. We know who is imprisoned most. We the People must pull together unless we are damn fools . Unity is strength (Genesis 11:6). These may be the times Dr. King warned about when he said we must stand together as brethren or perish together as fools.
Maybe we can find all the pieces of the Constitution and other treasured documents guaranteeing citizens' rights to have Paul tape them back together. It can happen if we are willing to work as a team against oppression. We must agree to lay aside prejudice based on race, socioeconomic status, and political parties and get real, real selfish. We may admire lots of things about other candidates, but it is time now to CONSIDER OUR OWN INTERESTS AND THOSE OF OUR CHILDREN. The 99% are the ones who must fight the wars, pay the bailouts, surrender our homes due to economic depression, and fill the jails (soon to be military internment labor/torture camps). You look for the piece of our Declaration of Independence that said "right to life," and please ask a friend to find the line from our Constitution that says we can petition the government for a redress of grievances. Someone else should look for the piece that said "trial by jury," and I'll search for the pieces that have "freedom of speech" and "freedom of press" written thereon. Maybe someone from the Occupy movement can find the piece with "freedom of peaceful assembly" written on it. As an African American woman, I know those documents were not written for me, but they were made mine by sweat and bloodshed . Furthermore, the rights the Constitution hold out simply affirm inalienable rights already bestowed on me by my Creator ( John 8:36 ).
Have you seen shredded pieces of the Constitution floating around? What about U.S. Code? Please do what you can to gather pieces of the Constitution, and save them for Rep. Ron Paul in November. He just might be able to tape them back together. I know he would try. Urgent action is needed before Americans get "re-educated" and no longer expect liberty and justice. "Re-education camps" is the term being used in the video at the InfoWars link below.
Video: Leaked U.S.Army Document Outlines Plan for US ReEducation Camps
Video: Leaked U.S.Army Document Outlines Plan for US ReEducation Camps
Campaign article for Ron Paul for President by Mary Neal, Director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI"). That is an online group I used to direct, but CoIntelPro-like stalkers took it over now. Only about one in ten of the posts I try to publish are allowed to stay. Our members became too effective advocating for justice reform. We want to decriminalize mental illness, which would be costly for prison corporations that profit by victimizing the mentally ill. Individual cases are at AIMI and in my blog "DogJusticeforMentallyIll." Enjoy the video embedded below, "Philosophy of Liberty." Having that philosophy should not qualify Americans for terror, brutality, arrests, and death. Blessings!
So far, this seems to be the statement cyberstalks attack:
The Army started recruiting for "Internment Resettlement Specialists" even before November 30, 2011, when Congress passed NDAA. See the ad at this link: . Have you ever said anything that is contentious with Congress or the White House? Have you or someone you love attended any protests? Is anything "belligerent" on your email and social media accounts?
Oops! The Czar's cyberstalkers opened a huge space after this paragraph. They can code some text to disappear in people's blogs or be ineligible for copy/paste and print functions, and they do it to mine all the time.
For me, the only campaign issue is whether our country will continue its slide into Nazism or if The People will unite and elect Ron Paul to arrest the slide to hell and return Amercans' human and civil rights. May 3, 2012, reports: A leaked U.S. Army document prepared for the Department of Defense contains shocking plans for “political activists” to be pacified by “PSYOP officers” into developing an “appreciation of U.S. policies” while detained in prison camps inside the United States. (I posted that link at Facebook and got a message saying the URL was blocked from Facebook. Then I looked at Southern Command's Facebook page and saw the link. These people censor Mary Neal with particularity because they do not want African Americans to know that the holocaust on our people has already started. It began with the secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal, which the United States Department of Justice helped Memphis Shelby County Jail to cover up in 2003, and the current administration continues the cover-up.
Mary Neal said...
I suppose the censorship team hates this article in its entirety. Here is another paragraph and link that have a huge gap nearby, meaning the data is slated for special treatment (like disappearing): Video: Leaked U.S.Army Document Outlines Plan for US ReEducation Camps in America
You might want to check your facts regarding the Iraq 2008 photo. The photo on the right is *NOT* Iraq in 2008 but actually from the Carandiru massacre in Brazil in 1992. Pure Anti-American propaganda.
Thank you, Monkeydoodle. There COULD be a photo like that from 2008 and later, couldn't there?
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