Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Exposed: When Heretics Rule, by Mary Neal

My article "When Heretics Rule" is the next article in this blog. It concerns the fact that my use of Twitter was cyberstalked immediately after I published "Whitney Houston, Gospel Singer Extraordinaire," http://goo.gl/ti4D8 ,  and "TruthOut" became one of my Twitter followers at http://twitter.com/koffietime  @koffietime. See "When Heretics Rule" at FreeSpeakBlog http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/ . ELEVEN(11) links are in this article, and they are all supposed to be blue but some are not. My "Exposed: FreeSpeakBlog" is given anything but free speech, so I innumerate my links and 15 paragraphs herein and hope that discourages the cyberstalkers (they plan to steal the final paragraph no. 15 re Whitney Houston. I put it in all bold letters to make it easy for you to check.) See also one of my 21st century Slave Songs, "Ghostbuster," after paragraph 14 (the stalkers have strange coding at paragraph 15). Censorship that would have been allowed under SOPA has been used to contain my news reports about The Cochran Firm fraud against African Americans for years. I am Mary Neal, director of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) http://www.care2.com/c2c/group/aimi. That human rights advocacy group which I poured thousands of hours into building has been taken over so thoroughly that I cannot even update the billboard. AIMI advocates to decriminalize mental illness, which would inconvenience prison investors.

2. --- I HOPE NO ONE HURT WHITNEY HOUSTON BECAUSE SHE SPENT SEVERAL HOURS IN THE COMPANY OF ONE OF LARRY NEAL'S CLOSE RELATIVES A FEW MONTHS AGO. SHE WAS NOT TOLD ABOUT THE SECRET ARREST AND MURDER OF LARRY NEAL OR THE (JOHNNIE) COCHRAN FIRM FRAUD. STALKERS MONITOR OUR PHONE, SO THEY KNEW. Some people seem capable of any evil to prevent wide disclosure about The Cochran Firm fraud against African Americans and the secret arrest and wrongful death of Larry Neal, my disabled brother who was under secret incarceration for 18 days in the Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003. He was murdered under circumstances that local and federal governments refuse to disclose http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/ - Consumer protection agencies, courts, federal and local law enforcement agencies nd the Justice Department know about and seemingly protect The Cochran Firm from censure and lawsuits related to its frauds against the Neal family and other African Americans nationwide. Since The Cochran Firm attorneys were appointed to key positions over the BP oil spill class action lawsuits and the DePuy medical implant litigation, white people need to also beware.

3. --- I believe The Cochran Firm became a CoIntelPro agent after Johnnie's (UNTIMELY) death following his announcement of plans to organize a dream team and sue the USA and major corporations for slave reparations in 2002. By 2005, he had basically leased his name to certain PEOPLE and died soon after. According to Shawn Chapman-Holley, an attorney who worked with Cochran for 17 years, all of the lawyers who worked with Cochran in his original Los Angeles office were fired or forced out of the firm right after his death. Hear Ms. Holley tell what she knew to NPR at the link below. I know much more about the fraud than Chapman-Holley did when she gave this interview in 2007. "Controversy at Cochran Law Firm : NPR [Jul 23, 2007] http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12171473  Shawn Chapman Holley — a former colleague of the late, famed lawyer Johnnie Cochran — is suing the law firm he made famous ... discrimination, fraud and . . . Oops! It will be no surprise to those who follow Mary Neal's articles if the interview disappears from NPR. When I tried the link above, the LIE stalkers redirected the link to was "page not found." Go online and browse for Holley's NPR interview if the link above fails. That is what I did, and it is still online. Burn a copy or record it just in case. Stalkers are paid to corrupt links in my articles. Holley's lawsuit for fraud and discrimination should still be public in court records in California, also, but you never know. I found that court records Change for some Cochran Firm cases.

4. --- WHITNEY HOUSTON WAS TOLD NONE OF THIS. When people have substance abuse problems, they lose their inhibitions and can endanger themselves by placing their faith in the wrong people. So although Whitney knew many people and could have possibly helped the Neals, she was not told. Another Cochran Firm partner who sued for racism and fraud was Julian Bolton, Esq., former managing partner in the firm's Memphis office, but HE DESERVED WHAT HE GOT since he was managing partner in 2003 when my family was defrauded to help Memphis/Shelby County Jail escape accountability for Larry Neal's death. Later, Bolton shared a law office with Duanna Johnson's attorneys. They were supposed to be suing Shelby County Jail for the vicious beating and toxic spraying the transgender woman received in the jail's booking area in 2008, but she was EXECUTED shortly before the end of her statute of limitations to sue for battery. As a matter of fact, Johnson was murdered a little over a month after my grandson and I escaped a caravan of men who followed us for miles in a government vehicle and three other cars on September 27, 2008. Emergency 911 police did not come to my family's rescue while we were trapped at a Chevron station for an hour by the stalkers. That happened the day after FourWinds10.com published my September 25, 2008 NowPublic.com article wherein I promised to upload videos on the Internet revealing Larry Neal's murder and The Cochran Firm fraud against our family. See http://goo.gl/yyRZk "Duanna Johnson Transgender Day of Remembrance." See "Cochran Firm Fraud 1 and 2" at YouTube.

5. --- For we are sold, I and my people, to be destroyed, to be slain, and to perish ~ Esther 7:4

6. --- We know much more about The Cochran Firm fraud program today than in 2008. Telling heretics what one plans to report creates problems. Naturally, they object and try to STOP you. Now I broadcast news about the program time I learn it. Any hesitation might increase people's anxiety about "news getting out." My rush to do that in the case regarding the police murder of 92-year-old Kathryn Johnston in Atlanta caused me to name Georgia Superior Court as being where Johnston's pretend lawsuit was reportedly filed before the nonexistent lawsuit was "removed" to United States District Court in Georgia. Actually, the pretend lawsuit was supposedly "removed" from State Court, according to records in federal court. Both Superior and State courts did an exhaustive search of their records for me on August 18, 2010, and both declared there was no such lawsuit as Dozier v. City of Atlanta and nothing whatsoever involving Kathryn Johnston on record when the city settled with Johnston's relatives. Johnston's family may have been intended to get zero like my family and other Cochran Firm fraud victims if not for my constant monitoring after Johnston's wrongful death. No initial suit was really filed in State Court at any point, according to the court's thorough records search in August 2010. Court records do change.

7. --- Heretics understood that whereas the public was very angry when Ms.Johnston was murdered in a November 2006 police home invasion, people do not follow-up to ensure a just outcome as they should. During the cooling-off period, after NAACP town hall meetings give citizens a chace to vent, The Cochran Firm defrauds families. I was threatened with Tasering and arrest for refusing to let the public forget Kathryn Johnston's wrongful death case had not been settled almost four years later. I refuse to let The Cochran Firm continue to defraud grieving, victimized families after police murders and wrongdoing by major corporations. It is wrong to misuse the trust minorities misplace in Johnnie Cochran's name and legacy to defraud minorities. And it is shameful for courts, legal search and referral firms, state bars, media companies, consumer protection agencies, and the United States Department of Justice (USDOJ) to be parties to such frauds. After The Cochran Firm signed contract with Larry's family, USDOJ officials knowingly, illegally allowed Shelby County Jail to file perjurous documents in federal court in 2006 that omitted Larry's kidnapping and murder in the jail's application for release from federal overview, under which overview Shelby County Jail had been operating since being sued by the U.S.A. for its many prior prisoner abuses. Federal and local officials (many of whom are black) were apparently comfortable that Larry's wrongful death case would never be filed in court or reach the public after my mother and I became Cochran Firm clients under the firm's undisclosed conflict of interest (it's managing parter was himself a Shelby County Commissioner). Officials apparently did not consider the Internet's power for mass communication by average citizens until the Jena6 demonstration in Louisiana in 2007 was completely organized online. The Cochran Firm fraud the program against African Ameicans I have documented and published online for years. Protecting The Cochran Firm fraud is the primary reason why my computers are attacked and destroyed and I am stalked online and in person but denied police services regarding crimes.

8. --- The Cochan Firm fraud is a large and highly effective CoIntelPro program that was expensive to set up coast to coast. Heretics still hope to continue the program by preventing my reports from reaching more African Americans. For example, if mainstream media had made news reports in May 2006 that Georgia Superior Court had issued a court order declaring there is no Cochan Firm office within the State of Georgia, trust in the firm's integrity would have plummeted, and The Cochran Firm would not have been in the position to save Ford Motor Company from paying from $2billion to $3billion to the Ramapough People in the Mann v. Ford case. The Cochran Firm defrauded its client and settled that major lawsuit for less than $14million. HBO published a documentary about Mann v. Ford in spring 2011. Georgia Superior Court's duplicity was uncovered in my front page OpEdNews article "Mentally Ill Heart Patient Secretly Arrested and Murdered" at http://goo.gl/l4euC . That is major news, but mainstream media hates blacks and is very much a part of the program to relegate us to the back of the bus in America forever. That is why there are so many black anchors - to throw us off. Black faces in government and media are sometimes camouflage. You cannot trust anything the media publishes to be true or complete. Censoring Mary Neal helps government agencies and large corporations save billions annually when blacks sue through The Cochran Firm. Therefore my house is surrounded by people who are probably "citizens police" and I live under threat (Google "citizens police"). My intense censorship is not just to hide Larry's secret arrest and murder and the elaborate cover-up that continues eight years later, but a program of racism and deceit against minorities, which all CoIntelPro programs were and still are.

9. --- When transgender Duanna Johnson was murdered execution-style in Memphis before her lawsuit for brutality was filed, I understood how serious someone might be protect Shelby County Jail from lawsuits following abuses and murders of inmates like Larry and Duanna. Some people regard transgender people and homosexuals as being mentally ill and therefore disposable in America. I think that is why Memphis police on the video did not seem to mind if Duanna was brutally beaten and sprayed with pepper spray while they went about their business. Find the video online. A case I dare not name in Willacy County, Texas in 2008 was widely publicized right after Duanna's death, and everything became clear about why officials might protect jails and prisons where inmates are brutalized and murdered and why the present Washington administration refuses to investigate Larry's murder. I stayed home for a year and a half after Duanna Johnson was killed. That started after my grandson, niece and I were followed and waylaid by men who seemed unconcerned that their stalking was witnessed by at least 50 people at the shopping strip and Chevron station where we sought help and awaited 911 police services that did not come. Only after my family arrived at the Chevron in two vehicles and sandwiched my car in between theirs did the stalkers give up and leave. I told many witnesses what was happening, and some waited with my family for emergency police who did not arrive. We expected to call witnesses to court to testify about my stalking during our federal lawsuit against The Cochran Firm, but this time a federal judge roadblocked our Neals v. The Cochran Firm case from going to jury trial by saying the firm's crimes against the Neals to hide Larry's murder and save Shelby County Jail were "immaterial." One would think The Firm would have tried to make a confidential settlement rather than us having kangaroo courts. My guess is Pharaohs feel they were wronged to be challenged for eliminating "useless life" - Hitler's term for disabled people and minorities.

10. --- NO ONE TOLD WHITNEY that to date, the Neal family is DENIED any records and explanation about Larry's murder. We are denied even knowing the exact circumstances of Larry's demise, and lawyers are afraid to help us get records and due process of law regarding his murder, which could be by Taser, restraint chair or table, brutality, medical experiments, or simply the deliberate deprivation of Larry's heart meds because police falsely claimed he was not incarcerated throughout the three weeks we searched until they could ensure never being "bothered" with the acute mental patient again. Some say they would never be able to run for office if they represent us regarding our denial of due process of law. Others say they do not have the financial resources to fight the parties to our victimization. Another said the list of adversarial parties is so large that every lawyer is likely to find a conflict of interest. That is how big the New World Order is. Real BIG. One lawyer said he would not be allowed to win no matter how clear the evidence is that parties engage in an ongoing conspiracy to deny the Neals' civil rights and continually break federal and state laws to do so. Disclosing The Cochran Firm fraud is like the Matrix, Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Jason, and all the horrors you read about or saw on films put together! But this is not fiction or a conspiracy theory. Documentary evidence is in the "Wrongful Death of Larry Neal" website and in court records. Videos of real-time cyberstalking are at my YouTube channel JKEMPP703. I think Mary Neal's truth-telling might be the reason for some of the urgency to censor America's Internet. People seriously object to African Americans knowing there is a program to defraud victims of police brutality and corporate wrongdoing. That is why my black Twitter followers are removed, even my own family members, and from 2009 onward, I was prevented from communicating with Yahoo Groups I joined that are heavily pupulated with African Americans and liberal whites.

11. --- NOTICE for TruthOut: TruthOut, I appreciate your interest, but I feel it is only fair to explain that there is a reason why the media and major civil and human rights orgs ignore my brother's lynching and our family's persecution for sharing the information about Larry Neal's death under secret arrest and The Cochan Firm's fraud against African Americans nationwide after Johnnie Cochran's death. There is a reason why United States District Court issued a court order in January 2009 ruling that crimes against the Neals are "immaterial," including attorney fraud, stalking, and censorship to cover-up Larry's murder and protect The Cochran Firm CoIntelPro fraud. I discovered directed energy devices can be implanted in computers and in appliances to kill people slowly through induced cancers or fast through heart attacks and aneurysms. That may be one reason why journalists and human rights organizations do nothing to help Mary Neal and our family, unless the primary reason is bribes or gang affiliation. We want help because our home has essentially been turned into a FEMA camp, but people should know the risks. We thank FourWinds10, Internet companies like Google, independent news sites and social media, human rights activists and grass roots organizations that help us publish this story. Their help may be why people decided to implant a directed energy weapon in our computer to radiate us slowly instead of killing our family outright. The high tech weapons cause beneign tumors and cancer when they are set to emit energy at low levels over time. Johnnie Cochran, Coretta Scott King, Ted Kennedy, and Troy Davis' sister Martina came to mind when I learned about the weapon that blasted me a couple of weeks ago. I wrote about the attempted murder at http://marylovesjustice.blogspot.com/2012/02/activists-search-your-pcs-for-directed.html - See "Activists Search Your PCs for Directed Energy Devices" at the preceding link from MaryLovesJustice blog. There is no use reporting crimes against my family to the police. THEY SAID THEY DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT.

12. --- Before and after Larry Neal and Duanna Johnson were murdered, other mentally ill people were killed by police or brutalized in Memphis. In 2006, an attorney had gathered numerous such cases and filed federal class action lawsuits for the victims and their survivors. Information about those cases in the "Wrongful Death of Larry Neal" website at "Archived Updates no. 1." Use this link - http://www.wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/updates/updates03.html . A guard at Shelby County Jail reportedly told the attoney that he was missing a case (meaning Larry). The attorney suddenly had a heart attack, and class action case did not go forward, to my knowledge. Research "directed energy weapons," and please check the attorney's computer. An attorney explained to me that the judicial system is not intended to be used to hold the government and elitists accountable to working class and poor Americans, especially minorities, but it has the opposite purpose. Laws are made and enforced to mandate our behavior and accountability and extract our tax money and military service for the system and elitist decision makers.

13. --- Whitney Houston was not told anything about any of this! Please Google "The Cochran Firm Fraud." See these cases online: Neals v. The Cochran Firm (GA and TN), Andersons v. The Cochran Firm (KY), Jacksons v. The Cochran Firm (CA), The Cochran Firm Defrauds Native Americans to Save Ford (the Ramapough People - NJ), The Cochran Firm Defrauds Kathryn Johnston's Survivors (GA), The Cochran Firm Defrauds Latinos, Too (FL). Links to those cases are at an article in FreeSpeakBlog called "Edwina Davis Must Survive The Cochran Firm Fraud (GA)." Google "Mary Neal v. CoIntelPro," for more about the program African Americans are never intended to learn about from TruthOut, Mary Neal, or from any other source. All the cases above were/are civil action cases. I received a call about a Cochran Firm fraud in a criminal case, but the victim had not yet filed lawsuit and had me promise to withhold the information until he got clearance from his attorney to divulge the fraud. According to Shawn Chapman-Holley, Johnnie Cochran made an agreement with his new partners that they would not do criminal law. I suppose Cochran was a little suspicious of his new partners and did not want to risk PEOPLE BEING SOLD TO THE PRISON INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX OR EXECUTED. My phone 678.531.0262 is monitored and controlled to prevent such calls from other victimized minorities and to prevent my enslavement in Georgia from being abolished.  After being victimized by The Cochan Firm and everyone else who is supposed to uphold citizens' rights, I recognized we are in the Revelation period.

14. --- In January 2009, the federal judge ruled crimes against the Neal family "immaterial," and Rep. Alcee Hastings introduced H.R.645 in Congress for six concentration camps in America for Americans. I began warning about coming concentration camps and other End Game prophecies that were being fulfilled before our eyes. People seemed hypnotized and still do. I had discovered through my family's experiences that AMERICANS HAVE NO PROTECTED RIGHT TO LIFE AND LIBERTY. Now that NDAA passed as well as the law giving the right to assassinate Americans without trial, I do not think it is necessary to update my articles entitled "End Game Reports by Mary Neal," and "End Times Predictions by Mary Neal." Everyone should recognize Americans have no protected human rights without my warnings now. Based on my censorship when I try to communicate about this, I think Christians and blacks will be victimized first. Everyone, especially minorities and families with handicapped members and Christians, should GRAB the chance to postpone concentration camps by promoting H.R.3785, Ron Paul's bill to repeal the provision for indefinite detention without criminal charges under Section 1021 of NDAA. Beware - Jim Crow's grave is empty. I promise you, Jim is in the prison industrial complex pumping iron and awaiting millions more than the 2.3 million Americans who are already incarcerated. They are minorities, mentally disabled people, and working class whites - the 99%, if you will. A lawyer who declined to represent the Neals said that if my documents and allegations are true, and they are, then the justice system is irreparably broken, and he cannot address it. That has me questioning on this Valentine's Day 2012, "WHERE IS THE LOVE?" See the video by Blackeye Pea embedded underneath the 15th paragraph below and is online at YouTube. I ask that question when I picket people who benefit from the spirit of unity for justice Americans used to exercise to resist oppression. They benefit from the Voting Rights Act and affirmative action that were purchased with martyrs' blood, then they killed the dream by abdicating their responsibility and joined oppressors against poor and middle income people. Thanks to God and whoever made the stalkers relent during this input so I can spend the rest of Black History Month 2012 picketing hypocrisy like I did during Martin Luther King's Day celebrations in Atlanta. God allowed Larry's death, knowing that I would become His ghostbuster. One of my 21st Century Slave Songs is below: "Ghostbuster." My readers help by sharing all or parts of my articles as I license you to do only when attaching a link back to this blog. (I don't know WHY stalkers keep coding paragraph 15 that follows the poem.)


SATAN, OUR GOD, remove this cup!
We send police to make her shut up
But she films our computer attacks
Word's getting out - that's a fact

So we destroy her computers
And position stalkers around her home
They even follow her to libraries
And took over her telephones

Our plan was working oh so well
Defrauding minorities, but she tells
The truth is spreading coast to coast
We hide our hoods behind a dead lawyer's ghost
by Mary Neal (all rights reserved)
15. --- Rest in peace, Whitney Houston. Condolences to her family and close friends and fans. Please use the links above to access my tribute to Whitney Houston and censored information about attacks against net freedom to benefit the prison industrial complex. See http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/when-heretics-rule-by-mary-neal.html  "When Heretics Rule" is at the preceding link. ELEVEN(11) links are in this article, and Genesis 6:2,4 people know why, don't you?


MaryLovesJustice Neal said...


MaryLovesJustice Neal said...

Cyberdogs are barking around my paragraph 15 - 15. --- Rest in peace, Whitney Houston. Condolences to her family and close friends and fans. Please use the links above to access my tribute to Whitney Houston and censored information about attacks against net freedom to benefit the prison industrial complex. See http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2012/02/when-heretics-rule-by-mary-neal.html "When Heretics Rule" is at the preceding link. ELEVEN(11) links are in this article, and Genesis 6:2,4 people know why, don't you?