Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Inciting Race War in America

1.  I DON'T BELIEVE a black former Los Angeles police officer named Christopher Dorner killed police officers in California and then burned up in a house fire that left only his (fireproof?) I.D., and I don't believe a black military man named Micah Xavier Johnson shot police officers in Texas and was then destroyed by a bomb. If these are false flag operations, they target blacks in the United States unjustly for hatred and retaliation, and I ask that this dramatization immediately end. See "The NDAA Legalizes The Use of Propaganda on the US Public," a Business Insider article dated May 2012 at the first link beneath the photograph.

2.  "The NDAA Legalizes the Use of Propaganda on the U.S. Public" 
3.  (If you cannot reach the "Business Insider" article using the link above, then please Google the title. Other mainstream media companies also covered the news about propaganda that had been reserved for other countries having been legalized under NDAA for use in the USA.) The news report said NDAA was amended to "nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion." For the first time, government and media companies began to legally conspire to defraud the American people.

4.  The frauds seem to have three main goals: 1) Induce Americans to forfeit our Second Amendment right to bear arms, 2) dispel racial harmony to create an atmosphere ripe for a civil war, and finally, 3) police America using foreign troops - an assembly of U.N. Peacekeepers.

5.  President Obama was the first U.S. President to chair the UN Security Council, reported Rense.com in September 2009. In January 2016, the Washington Times reported, "President Obama is no doubt looking for something of enough grandeur to reflect his opinion of himself, and rumors are floating back from the Middle East that he is sounding out Democrats, Republicans and friends of the United Nations in the United States to help him get the job of secretary-general of the U.N. Ban Ki-Moon’s term expires this year and Mr. Obama is said to think he’s just the man to succeed him."

6.  AG Lynch Announced a Global Police Force Partnership With the U.N. ~ BVA News reported, "During her speech at the United Nations, Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the Department of Justice is launching a global police force in order to combat 'violent extremism' in the United States. A proposal such as this, with all of its various implications of an overreach of power, should be front-page news everywhere, but unfortunately, not many noticed. And that’s a concern to constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall who released a video to make the rallying call." See it below.

7.  On September 30, 2015, constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall released a video to alert Americans. See it at YouTube link https://youtu.be/FhuhHK2LAYg . Hall wrote, "Loretta Lynch ... in collaboration with several US cities, will form a global law enforcement initiative called the 'Strong Cities Network.' This is the implementation of U.N. rules and laws on U.S. soil, bypassing Congress and circumventing the Constitution."

8.  CIA: Police job applications favor psychopaths ~ Obviously, to induce Americans to abandon our sovereignty, we must have strong stimulus such as a civil war. That might be accomplished by using psychopathic police officers to continually injure and kill innocent, unarmed ethnic people throughout the nation, including women and children as well as mentally challenged people of all races. These crimes are generally denied prosecution and/or appropriate sentencing. "YourNewsWire" reported that according to the CIA, police job applications favor psychopaths. The report states, "Evidently, if an applicant shows signs of relatively high IQ — with excellent logical analytic abilities and a sense of compassion — that applicant will be weeded out of the hiring process."

9.  The U.S. Supreme Court is a party to this nation being policed by people with lower I.Q. scores. "FreeThoughtProject" reports, "US Court Says it’s Okay for Police Departments to Refuse to Hire Someone who is Too Smart." This might be an opportune time to recall Justice Scalia, deceased, who said, "The Constitution is dead, dead, dead." He also warned that it was NOT irrational to presume that U.S. citizens would again be interned in concentration camps on our own soil by our government. http://thefreethoughtproject.com/court-police-departments-refuse-hire-smart/

10.  Is the Government trying to start a civil war? Please be reminded of the following events: 1) See: "Documents Obtained by Judicial Watch [via FOIA request] Detail Role of Justice Department in Organizing Trayvon Martin Protests." On July 10, 2013, a conservative watchdog group published information online claiming that the U.S. Department of Justice sent taxpayer money to Sanford, Florida to support organized protests decrying the killing of Trayvon Martin. According to JudicalWatch.org, a division of the USDOJ called "Community Relations Service" sent thousands of dollars in public money to assist various groups in their efforts to protest the killing of Trayvon Martin.

11.  2) Before and during George Zimmerman's prosecution for shooting Trayvon Martin, a black Homeland Security employee took to the Internet proclaiming "War on the Horizon!" Some films are on YouTube. One video by the Global Dispatch must have really frustrated warmongers. White people laughed as they watch their tax dollars at work: "Homeland Security employee running website promoting KILL WHITE PEOPLE War on Horizon" https://youtu.be/CBkGoSeYoRU  The caption says, "Homeland Security employee running hate filled website, War on the Horizon, full of 'Kill the White People' remarks by Ayo Kimathi, the 'irritated Genie.'" CNN also published a YouTube film about this U.S. Government employee propagating the mass extermination of whites, entitled "DHS Employee Ayo Kimathi Appears in Racist Video" https://youtu.be/DkUTish7RhI Numerous other individuals and groups preach racial hatred, apparently without concern for laws against inciting violence.

12.  Inciting Race War in America ~ Jamaica issued a travel advisory for the United States in July 2016 warning its citizens that their lives would be at risk here. This is news from OutaJamaica.com: "If Black People Leave Willingly, We Won't Have to Kill Them, Says KKK." A Klan member spoke to +NBC News about President Obama planning to intern whites in concentration camps. The atmosphere of #terror that ensued in America after #NDAA became law threatens our homeland security. The Jamaican news site includes a video interview with Klan members at http://www.outajamaica.com/news/video-if-black-people-leave-willingly-we-wont-have-to-kill-them-says-kkk/

13.  While many whites believe the NDAA #camps were established to warehouse Caucasians, this writer believes they are intended to be multi-racial and were established for everybody who has strong Christian beliefs, physical or mental disabilities, and for dissidents who have a philosophy of liberty. Feel free to share "Inciting Race War in America" by using this link http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2016/07/inciting-race-war-in-america.html

14. PROBLEM: How can elitists destroy unity among Americans and start a race war? Despite facilitating platforms for Homeland Security employees and CoIntelPro agents to promote mass murders, and despite hiring racist, low intelligence police officers and giving them carte blanche to beat, Taser, rape, and fatally shoot Americans on our streets and behind bars -- mostly blacks and Native American victims -- the citizenry has not yet responded by killing each other. Instead, ethnic peoples, including Blacks, Hispanics, Native Americans, and Asians, united with Caucasians in the USA and demanded an end to lawlessness. The year 2014 probably had more wrongful deaths by police than any year before, and there were more whites marching at numerous "Black Lives Matter" demonstrations than there were blacks. Americans of all races joined hands and marched against overuse of force. We lay in the streets together singing "I can't breathe" when Eric Gardner was killed in New York; we stretched our empty hands upward together and chanted "Hands Up! Don't Shoot!" when Officer Wilson of Ferguson PD killed Michael Brown. Police seemingly responded to our marches, petitions, and Internet protests by increasing their violence against America's most vulnerable citizens, including old people, children, homeless and/or mentally ill people, women and girls.

15.  Thus far, wrongful deaths by police were met with mostly peaceful, united resistance. Elitists apparently decided to escalate racial tension in this country by inciting unintelligent, militarized police officers to do even greater violence after observing false flag dramatizations starring African American men killing mostly white cops. This writer has a problem with subjecting innocent black people and other ethnics to violent attacks by racist or "loyal to the Blue Code," steroid-charged cops in order to start a civil war in the United States, overthrow the constitution, and institute Martial Law under foreign troops. Isn't planning a library exciting enough for outgoing presidents, cabinet members, and staff? Journalist Naomi Wolfe discusses false flags in the video below and at https://youtu.be/GuB6wavzcww on YouTube:

Naomi Wolf Exposes Fake News / False Flags

16.  What is the likelihood that two black men who worked in uniforms, one as a policeman and the other in the military, would suddenly start killing white people? We are asked to believe that Dorner, who bears a striking resemblance to a once-popular television actor, and Johnson allegedly became overwhelmed with racial indignation, killed police officers, and then died themselves in ways that made postmortem identification nearly impossible -- by fire and bomb, respectively. What coincidences! Although Americans are fed a steady diet of chemically altered foods, breathe toxins from chemtrails, drink lead in our water (a brain-damaging mineral), and are terrorized continually by tales of impending economic collapse, mass murders, and an imminent World War in addition to civil war, elitists might be surprised to learn how transparent their dramatizations appear to us. If more people do not denounce continuous false flags, it is not necessarily because they do not recognize the ruse. Rather, some Americans fear elitists who concoct such theatrics, especially if innocent people are being injured and murdered to give the dramatizations credence. They do not yet recognize that acquiescence did not save targeted people in Nazi Germany, and neither will it save Americans.

17.  What is truly terrifying about dramatizations that portray blacks as being ENRAGED BEASTS WHO WANT TO "KILL WHITEY" is that like NDAA has provisions for allowing propaganda, staging dramatizations, treating Americans like enemy combatants, taking over our computers, phones and Internet communications, it also has provisions for CONCENTRATION CAMPS for U.S. citizens. Who is most subject to mass incarceration in these United States? African Americans have been through enough and still undergo horrific disparate treatment. Please use some other population for all future dramatizations. Better yet, if those in authority want to live someplace where black people are sorely oppressed, perhaps they should GO TO WEST PAPUA, which is cruelly occupied by Indonesia while the United Nations does little to liberate and empower the indigenous people who are mostly Christians. Indonesia is the Muslim country where the president spent his formative childhood years during that nation's genocide against the black people of West Papua, which killed over 500,000. The rivers ran red with blood. (Please read "Indonesia, USA" in FreeSpeakBlog, written by Mary Neal.)


19.  AG Lynch, hackers are trying to steal the following paragraph which is under the video published by KrisAnne Hall:

20.  On September 30, 2015, constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall released a video to alert Americans. See it at YouTube link https://youtu.be/FhuhHK2LAYg . Hall wrote, "Loretta Lynch ... in collaboration with several US cities, will form a global law enforcement initiative called the 'Strong Cities Network.' This is the implementation of U.N. rules and laws on U.S. soil, bypassing Congress and circumventing the Constitution."

21.  Repeat of paragraph 1: I DON'T BELIEVE a black former Los Angeles police officer named Christopher Dorner killed police officers in California and then burned up in a house fire that left only his (fireproof?) I.D., and I don't believe a black military man named Micah Xavier Johnson shot police officers in Texas and was then destroyed by a bomb. If these are false flag operations, they target blacks in the United States unjustly for hatred and retaliation, and I ask that this dramatization immediately end. See "The NDAA Legalizes The Use of Propaganda on the US Public," a Business Insider article dated May 2012 at the first link beneath the photograph.

Mary Neal, a/k/a MaryLovesJustice, (678)531-0262 MaryLovesJustice@gmail.com


  1. Hello, FreeSpeakBlog followers. Please be aware that hackers who may be paid with your tax dollars have removed many followers from the roll. You are invited to check the list of blogs you follow and ensure that you are not eliminated unawares. That has been this writer's goal for a decade: making sure that you are NOT eliminated and your rights are not eliminated unawares. Blessings.

  2. AG Lynch, hackers are trying to steal the following paragraph which is underneath the video published by KrisAnne Hall:

    On September 30, 2015, constitutional attorney KrisAnne Hall released a video to alert Americans. See it at YouTube link https://youtu.be/FhuhHK2LAYg . Hall wrote, "Loretta Lynch ... in collaboration with several US cities, will form a global law enforcement initiative called the 'Strong Cities Network.' This is the implementation of U.N. rules and laws on U.S. soil, bypassing Congress and circumventing the Constitution."

    Repeat of paragraph 1: I DON'T BELIEVE a black former Los Angeles police officer named Christopher Dorner killed police officers in California and then burned up in a house fire that left only his (fireproof?) I.D., and I don't believe a black military man named Micah Xavier Johnson shot police officers in Texas and was then destroyed by a bomb. If these are false flag operations, they target blacks in the United States unjustly for hatred and retaliation, and I ask that this dramatization immediately end. See "The NDAA Legalizes The Use of Propaganda on the US Public," a Business Insider article dated May 2012 at the first link beneath the photograph.

  3. The hackers are working overtime today. They force me to repeat this article in every blog I have, email it to everyone on my email list, and read it aloud on "Human Rights Demand" channel at Blogtalkradio. Race baiting is NOT nice. Racism is sinful. Religious prejudice is dangerous and anti-Christ. Jesus gives everyone the opportunity to choose, and we must follow His example.

    I am a Christian human rights activist and "America's Most Censored - Mary Neal" (Google that). I have been terrorized, censored, and financially persecuted for my advocacy for a decade. I request prayers for protection for my family and myself from Christians and encourage people of other religious persuasions, atheists and agnostics to send thoughts of benevolence. I advocate for freedom and justice for all peoples, peace and goodwill toward all men.

    Revelation foretold of a New World Order that will come to power and destroy everybody who refuses to bow to its cruel dominance over every aspect of their lives, and I believe the bible. However, even Jesus Christ does not know when these events will occur, because WHEN is up to us. We are told to RESIST EVIL (James 4:7).

    Mary Neal

  4. This article has 21 paragraphs, including titles for three videos that are embedded herein and have YouTube links thereto affixed above or below the films. I have to list contents of my articles to discourage NSA or other hackers from removing parts. Visit "Justice Gagged" blog to see evidence that Americans have no free speech and freedom of press rights that are honored and protected if they use those rights to protest the secret arrest and murder of mentally ill Americans, prisoner abuse, eugenicists' depopulation plans, and the government/media collusion against Americans.

    Two words, "unity" and "God," are attacked more than any other words I have written in my thousands of emails and articles. That is because unity among peoples of America and the world will delay NWO plans. We must Unite4Justice.

    "Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now NOTHING will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." ~Genesis 11:6

    Wrongful Death of Larry Neal

    Justice Gagged

    Human Rights Demand channel at Blogtalkradio

    National Network in Action channel at Blogtalkradio (NNIA1)

  5. Obama uses Dallas memorial to confront nation on race

    President Obama used a Tuesday memorial for five police officers slain in Dallas to confront racial divisions in the U.S., saying that Americans are "not as divided as we seem."

    A M A Z I N G.

  6. See George Bush dance at the memorial for slain Dallas police officers.
    "Another successful false flag! Glory, glory, hallelujah!"

    "Inciting Race War in America"

    "The NDAA Legalizes the Use of Propaganda on the U.S. Public"

    "Obama Administration and U.N. Announce Global Police Force to Fight 'Extremism' in America"

    President's Executive Order Allowing U.S. Military to Fight U.S. Citizens on American Soil - July 1, 2016 - https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/07/01/executive-order-united-states-policy-pre-and-post-strike-measures (Note the word "PRE-STRIKE"? That means it could come at any time.)

    Smart to get a black president for this.

  7. VIDEO
    MaryLovesJustice vs. Race War in USA

    Gee! People are planning a "day of rage" Friday, July 15, according to reports. I believe everyone would be better off to simply stay home and Boycott4Justice. The "day of rage" might be a setup for Marshal Law and give elitists an opportunity to use the concentration camps that are staffed and waiting. I had lots of trouble working online today warning people about that possibility. Visit my G+ page for details in posts published on July 13, 2016 at the link below:


    I encourage everyone to forego participating in demonstrations for the time being. Boycotting is much more effective than marching, anyway, and you can do that from your deck chair while listening to some smooth jazz and sipping your favorite beverage. Blessings!

  8. Emergency notice: Hackers took over my modem today while I was on the phone with ATT. They did not want the tech to help me white list our devices and stop all others from using my modem
    See video at MaryLovesJustice posted 7/15/16 showing 7 devices on my connection, only 3 of which were mine! ATT promised to send a new modem Fri. by a tech who will white list the legitimate MAC codes to keep hackers off my modem. I called police, who aI suspect the hackers work for, and DeKalb County is coming to take the police report. I was told an hour ago. I made a report in JusticeGagged blog that they hate: COINTELPRO V. MARY NEAL FOR JEFF WOOD AND LEONARD MORENO.

  9. Google, I don't want any Hillary Clinton commercials running on videos I publish or my pages and articles!

  10. Elitists are disappointed that Americans didn't take the bait on July 15. There was no Day of Rage and No Martial Law. LOL!

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