13 links, 1 poem, 23 paragraphs
SATAN, OUR GOD, remove this cup!
We send police to make her shut up
But she films our computer attacks
Word's getting out - that's a fact
So we destroy her computers
And position stalkers around her home
They even follow her to libraries
And took over her telephones
Our plan was working oh so well
Defrauding minorities, but she tells
The truth is spreading coast to coast
We hide our hoods behind a dead lawyer's ghost
by Mary Neal (all rights reserved)
ARE BLACKS BEING PUNISHED FOR O.J. SIMPSON MURDER TRIAL VERDICT? Many people disagreed with the verdict in the O.J. Simpson murder trial. They felt that justice was not served for Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman and continued to believe O.J. was guilty. The longest trial in California history ended with the jury returning a verdict of not guilty on October 3, 1995, after only four hours of deliberation. Some blamed Johnnie Cochran for successfully defending Simpson in a racially charged trial. In 1997, former Black Panther Party member Geronimo Pratt was released from prison after 27 years served for a murder he did not do, having been set up by COINTELPRO. Cochran was on Pratt's defense team and cited Pratt's release as the most significant event of his legal career. In 2000, Cochran announced plans to build a Reparations Dream Team and to bring a class action lawsuit against the United States Government for slavery. Cochran was offered a partnership with an Alabama law firm, which he accepted to fulfill a vision of establishing a nationwide plaintiffs law firm that would have wide appeal among minority persons seeking justice after police brutality, wrongful deaths, and corporate wrongs.
Shortly after entering the new partnership, Cochran became ill. After Cochran died in March 2005, there were disturbing changes in the firm. Attorneys and staff who had worked alongside Cochran for years were fired or forced out of the firm for refusing to deliver substandard legal services to minority clients, according to former firm attorney Shawn Holley, who sued the new owners for race discrimination. Another former partner sued The Cochran Firm for fraud. A link to Holley's NPR interview is below.
The injustice system seems to be conducting a race war against blacks seeking justice after murders by police and other crimes. Johnnie Cochran is dead, hopefully due to natural causes, and O.J. Simpson is imprisoned. It is unethical and illegal for racist whites and unprincipaled, sellout black attorneys to use the firm bearing Cochran's name to pervert justice for minority clients of The Cochran Firm. One can review the firm's verdicts and settlements online that document unprecedented successes. The problem is that clients do not know until it is too late if their cases are intended for failure. Defrauded clients who sue The Cochran Firm after attorneys "throw the fight" in their cases (and side with the clients' defendants) are likely to find the firm is not held to ethical standards set by their State Board of Professional Responsibility.
Below are a few examples:
Wrongful Death of Larry Neal - http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/
54-year-old lifelong schizophrenic heart patient was secretly incarcerated for 18 days in Memphis Shelby County Jail while police repeatedly denied his arrest to social workers and family members who searched for Larry to administer life-saving heart and psychiatric drugs. The Cochran Firm signed contract to represent his elderly mother and family in a wrongful death action against the jail and negligence case against the State of Tennessee, hiding a conflict of interest - Julian Bolton, Esq., The Cochran Firm's managing partner in its Memphis office, was a Shelby County Commissioner, and the Commission owns and operates the jail. David McLaughlin, the Neal's assigned attorney, wrote Larry's family false status reports about legal work that was not actually being done in order to allow the Tennessee's statute of limitations to pass without any lawsuits being filed, and used U.S. Mail fraud to mail the lies. When the Neals sued The Cochran Firm for fraud and deliberate malpractice, Superior Court Judge Wendy Shoob dismissed the lawsuit on the defendant's claim that there is no Cochran Firm office in Georgia, although the law office is open and operating under that identity at 127 Peachtree Street and is prolifically advertised. Federal Court Judge Batten dismissed the Neal's lawsuit against the traitor lawyers, claiming the firm's fraud did not prevent the Neals from suing Shelby County Jail, despite holding their file secretly inactive for nearly 11 months of Tennessee's 12-month statute of limitations while sending clients false status reports to prevent their finding another attorney in time to sue the jail for Larry's secret arrest and murder.
Wrongful Death of Corey Ward - http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/10/corey-ward-police-and-cochran-firm.html
An 18-year-old was out with friends driving his mother's Tahoe in the Atlanta area on July 14, 2002, when two men did a maneuver to stop Ward's vehicle. Ward and his friends thought they were being carjacked. Officer Raymond S. Bunn shot and killed Ward. Bunn and his partner said they thought the van the young man drove was a stolen vehicle. Bunn was indicted for the youth's murder, but the case did not go before a judge until 2010. By that time, Georgia legislators had enacted a law in 2006 providing that police officers did not have to face a jury if they were indicted for murder but claimed self-defense, which virtually all police officers claim when citizens are killed. Georgia Superior Court Judge Newkirk dismissed Bunn's murder charges. "For Judge Newkirk to step forward, without hearing any testimony, without interviewing any witnesses … to look at paperwork and not give a Fulton County jury an opportunity to deal with this case is a grave injustice," Hutchinson said. The Cochran Firm reportedly recovered zero for Ward's family's wrongful death action. Was Ward's lawsuit even filed?
Wrongful Death of Billey Joe Johnson - http://ncaafootball.fanhouse.com/2008/12/18/billey-joe-johnson-death-gains-conspiratorial-steam-as-family-hi/
Johnson, 17, a highly regarded football player at George County High School was killed after he was pulled over by George County Sheriff’s Deputy Joe Sullivan for a traffic violation. Sullivan said Johnson shot himself with a 12-gauge shotgun while Sullivan was at his patrol car conducting a driver’s license check. Johnson had reportedly been dating a Caucasian girl whose family had connections with the police department. His family refused to believe Johnson died by his own hand. The Cochran Firm was employed to conduct an investigation. Johnson's death was later ruled to be accidental by the grand jury although Officer Sullivan had gun powder residue on both his hands. The family recovered no damages for what they perceived to be a wrongful death. Was a lawsuit filed?
A murder indictment or conviction is not necessary to pursue and prevail in a wrongful death civil action, as was won by Ron Goldman's father in his lawsuit against O.J. Simpson. The fact that there were no convictions in Ward's and Johnson's deaths did not prevent The Cochran Firm from filing and winning lawsuits for its clients.
Wrongful Death of Kathryn Johnston - http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/2010/08/to-sarah-dozier-fraud-against-kathryn.html
A 92-year-old black Atlanta resident was killed by police on November 21, 2006, during a home invasion wrongly referred to as a "botched drug raid." There is no evidence that police had reason to suspect Johnston's home of being a drug house. Police planned to falsify evidence by presenting false testimony from an informant, and officers planted drugs in Johnston's home while she lay handcuffed and dying from six of the 36 rounds police fired at her. Authorities intended for the informant to say that he had bought drugs from Johnston's home, but the informant refused to lie on the murdered elder and instead went to the FBI and media and reported the police plot. Three police officers were indicted and sentenced to prison for Johnston's murder in 2009. The Cochran Firm contracted with Johnston's survivors to represent them in a wrongful death action with an $18 million demand - Sarah Dozier vs. City of Atlanta. However, The Cochran Firm settled the case for only $4.9 million on August 17, 2010, without allowing the matter to proceed to jury. Any jury convened in Atlanta would have been sympathetic to the plaintiffs and likely to render the entire $18 million demand, if not more. The Cochran Firm reported that it filed lawsuit for Dozier on November 21, 2007, in Georgia State Court; however, clerks conducted a thorough search of State Court records on August 18, 2010, and were unable to find evidence that the lawsuit had actually been filed. Superior Court is Georgia’s general jurisdiction trial court. State Court is used only for cases that do not fall under Superior Court's jurisdiction. This writer knows of no reason why Dozier was filed in State Court (if it really was) except that Superior Court had wrongly pronounced The Cochran Firm nonexistent in Georgia in order to help the devious lawyers escape accountability when sued by the Neal family for fraud in 2006. The record shows the managing partner of The Cochran Firm's Atlanta office, Hezekiah Sistrunk, removed the Dozier case from State Court to federal court in January 2008, where it was presided over by Judge Marvin Shoob. He is the father of Wendy Shoob, the Superior Court judge who had ruled there is no Cochran Firm in Georgia. Incredibly, the Complaint that The Cochran Firm drafted for its client (?) actually put forth the police defense about a "Suspect X" fingering Johnston's home as a drug house. That allegation that had already been disproved a year before Sistrunk's Complaint was drafted when the informant exposed the murder coverup.
The Johnston case is not the first time The Cochran Firm helped police at its clients' expense. For instance, The Cochran Firm begged USDC Judge Batten not to make Shelby County Jail tell how Larry Neal was killed - http://3.vu/acIEA - The court honored the lawyers' request - lawyers who had been hired by the decedent's family as his wrongful death attorneys. Thanks in large part to the murder coverup engineered by The Cochran Firm, the method of Larry's murder is still a secret kept by the United States Justice Department and Shelby County Jail, as the jail was allowed not to answer federal subpoenas and the DOJ refuses to answer the Neals' Freedom of Information Act request for records at this link: http://www.nowpublic.com/health/foi-request-usdoj-re-larry-neal-and-cochran-firm-fraud
Martinez vs. The Cochran Firm. The Cochran Firm defrauded its client, a Latino woman, of the opportunity to recover $27.1 million in a civil action she had already won. When she sued her traitor lawyers, her case did not go to court; she was forced to accept less than $300,000 in damages through mediation. The Cochran Firm's insurance companies refused to pay the settlement, leaving the firm to pay for its unethical conduct regarding Ms. Martinez's case itself. Insurance policies are for accidents, not deliberate fraud. http://alturl.com/9krtv The Cochran Firm filed suit against its insurance companies. That matter is unresolved to date, to my understanding.
The Cochran Firm Fraud May Negatively Impact Victims of the BP Gulf Oil Spill. Bloomberg Businessweek reported on October 9, 2010 that a federal judge appointed four lawyers from three states to serve on an executive committee and lead a 15-member steering committee for thousands of people and businesses suing over the BP Plc oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The executive committee will coordinate the responsibilities of the larger plaintiffs’ steering committee representing hundreds of lawyers involved in cases against BP and other companies including Halliburton Co. and Transocean Ltd. Phillip Thomas, of MS Litigation Review and Commentary, wrote, "My interpretation of the Order is that the steering committee will run the entire litigation. Lawyers who represent victims—but who are not on the steering committee—appear to be getting squeezed out of the litigation. The only Mississippi lawyer on the steering committee is former congressman and Secretary of Agriculture Mike Espy. . . " Espy is a Morgan & Morgan/Cochran Firm attorney. http://www.mslitigationreview.com/articles/gulf-oil-spill-litigation/
I have met other former Cochran Firm clients who allege the firm deliberately "threw the fight," so I am concerned about the Gulf Oil spill victims being treated fairly. It is bad enough that when many people were out of work because of the oil spill, prison laborers (slavery) were used for the cleanup while they remained unemployed. As with the wrongful death of Larry Neal case, other former clients who spoke with me got no assistance ascertaining justice when defrauded by The Cochran Firm, which I believe to be a COINTELPRO operation. After The Cochran Firm had itself pronounced nonexistent in Georgia and the Neals' lawsuit was dismissed based on that perjury, I went to the BBB, FCC, FTC, FBI, major news affiliates, local and federal elected representatives, numerous civil rights organizations. In 2009, federal court Judge Batten ruled that The Cochran Firm's fraud against Larry Neal's family to help Shelby County Jail escape with his murder was "immaterial." Minority citizens who were not represented by The Cochran Firm frauds were also denied justice in numerous cases since the O.J. Simpson murder trial. I am censored and stalked to prevent my reporting these and other injustices to the public. It appears that minority citizens are deemed too immaterial to receive consumer reports that might save them from being treated like the Cochran Firm clients in this post.
Johnnie Cochran was against his firm doing criminal defense work, according to former Cochran Firm attorney, Shawn Chapman Holley, during her NPR interview. Prison owners/investors profit when people are incarcerated. Listen to Holley's interview "CONTROVERSY AT COCHRAN LAW FIRM" at this link: www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=12171473 - People who rely on legal traitors for criminal defense risk more than the Neal family and other Cochran Firm clients who were defrauded in civil cases. Criminal defendants' freedom and lives are at stake.
If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for He that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they. ~Ecclesiastes 5:8
NOTE: My uncle served in the Army in WWII, my brother served in Viet Nam, and my nephews in Afghanistan and Iraq. I do not agree with war, but many close friends and relatives have sacrificed for this to be a land of equal justice and free speech. The U.S.A. has not arrived at that goal, but it is our right and our duty to try to make it so. People who object to my writing about injustices against minorities, whites who lack wealth, and America's mentally ill need to get over it. I am on a Godly assignment against racism and classism in the justice system.
For a week I have been prevented from entering posts at my online group, Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill. Over the past few years, I have spent thousands of hours developing the advocacy group that has nearly 300 members working together to decriminalize mental illness in America where roughly 1.25million sick people are imprisoned for inappropriate conduct arising out of a common, treatable health condition. When I started the group, I did not know that prisons and jails were privately-owned enterprises and that the mentally ill account for over one-half of America's inmates. I am reminded of movie themes with a hapless heroine who inadvertently picks up the wrong suitcase at the airport and is plunged into a tale of intrigue and espionage.
Our justice quest began with the secret arrest and murder of Larry Neal, my mentally and physically disabled brother. In addition to The Cochran Firm defrauding us to save Shelby County Jail from lawsuit, the United States Department of Justice and courts are dedicated to preventing Larry's death from being publicly disclosed and becoming subject to normal investigative and judicial processes. Battling censorship, I write in my FreeSpeakBlog and also publish articles online at Care2, HubPages, NowPublic.com, IndyMedia, and OpEdNews about my family's denial of justice and abuses of power that negatively impact other Americans, particularly minorities, whites who lack wealth, and the mentally disabled. You are invited to review and share the articles in FreeSpeakBlog using the index on the left margin at http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/ -
Information on the O.J. Simpson murder case that probably gave rise to a judicial race war with the justice quests of select black families as casualties is at this link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/O._J._Simpson_murder_case
Since my home computers are destroyed regularly, it is challenging for me to stay abreast of the latest cases where mentally ill people are brutalized, potentially innocent inmates face execution, and citizens' rights are trampled, which are my usual subjects. I have already written thousands of articles and emails about individuals experiencing such horrors and thought it would be easier and refreshing to publish fiction and poetry about these subjects for a while. Therefore, I started writing short stories to inspire and entertain about a town called Edenville.
Edenville is a modern American boom town with a population that soured from 1,800 to 22,000 residents within six months when Edenville Private Prison opened. Some of the principal characters are listed below. Any likeness to real people, companies, or law firms is purely coincidental.
Commissioner Greedly
Mayor Greedly
Banker Greedly
Sheriff Lockwell
Warden Lockwell
Edenville Gazette, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Coverall
Lukewarm Sanctuary Church
Shark Clan, LLC, Clan Shark, P.C., Assumed Name & Affiliates (local law offices that all work out of a single address. They belong to a national firm called Clandestine Purpose, LLC, a/k/a "Clan." Multiple names are useful when clients discover they were defrauded by their attorneys and sue. No matter what defendant the plaintiffs name in lawsuits, the lawyers say, "Wrong name, judge!" Regular criminals do not escape justice by using numerous alias names, but these are highly irregular lawyers who enjoy special arrangements with courts. They do not always bother to register their alias names with the Secretary of States office - just claim to be "P.C." or "LLC" at will. Not a problem.)
I will announce the Internet home for my Edenville fiction series soon.
Mary Neal
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
World Experts Gather: Mental Health Equity Conference
(22 paragraphs, 12 links, 6 petitions ) PROGRESS REPORT: This year's World Conference on Mental Health will focus on EQUITY. Members of Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill ("AIMI"), an online human/civil rights group, advocate for mental illness to be addressed with treatment like other chronic health conditions that require monitoring and care, such as heart disease or diabetes. It is gratifying to know that this week, experts will gather to address inequities that mentally ill people face that actually constitute systemic discrimination against our most vulnerable citizens. Homelessness, prison, and death must cease being America's answer for this common, highly treatable health condition. Hopefully, mental health experts will acknowledge that it was a mistake to reduce America's inpatient beds by 90% since the 1960's, while simultaneously reducing community care programs and enacting rigid "immediate danger to self and others" laws that make crisis intervention nearly impossible to access until there are smoking guns and dripping knives.
The only three reasons why 1.25 million mentally ill people are in prison today are (1) unavailable psychiatric services; (2) acute patients' inability to recognize their need for help; and (3) lack of subsistence assistance for mentally ill people who require it to avoid homelessness and hunger. When all three of those critical needs are addressed, mental illness will be decriminalized (reducing crime and prison budgets), and hundreds of thousands of sick people will resume wholesome lifestyles. The same remedies should be applied to address serious mental illness all over the world. An excerpt from an article about the conference is below.
NEWTON, Mass., Nov. 15, 2010 - redorbit.com/news/health - More than 500 mental health researchers, practitioners, and advocates representing over 40 countries will gather for the Sixth World Conference on the Promotion of Mental Health and Prevention of Mental and Behavioral Disorders, November 17-19, 2010, at the Omni Shoreham Hotel in Washington, D.C. With the theme Addressing Imbalances: Promoting Equity in Mental Health, the conference will focus on inequalities in care, research, and practice in ways that protect the most vulnerable.
Previous conferences in this biennial conference series have been held in Australia (2008), Norway (2006), New Zealand (2004), England (2002), and the United States (2000). Unique this year will be a focus on inequities in how mental health is promoted, and how mental illness is prevented and treated . . . With the recent economic crisis, global sensitivity about the impact on health and mental health has been heightened.
We Mad Climb Shaky Ladders, by Pamela Spiro Wagner
(LaurelBooks) [Paperback] Amazon.com
"The poet's ability to examine her behavior is both edifying and harrowing." ~Baron Wormser
I prayed for the conference attendees, and I prayed for the experts on mental health care needs who will not be in attendance: millions of people who are mentally challenged and their family members and close friends - stakeholders. I prayed that God muzzle any prison investors at the conference; for their self-interests are directly contrary to the needs of psychiatric patients. I was surprised to learn after my brother's secret arrest and murder that mental patients are treated so callously, especially in America. Are brain damaged persons not citizens? Do governments consider them sub-human? Will their families continue being forced to pay taxes to imprison their sick loved ones when hospitalization and community care programs cost less? Will security for patients, their families, and communities continue to suffer in a system that waits for crimes to be done by or to mentally ill people before responding - usually by imprisonment rather than treatment?
Most incarcerated mentally ill people are not murdered behind bars like Larry Neal was, but none of them are helped by being imprisoned, especially in torturous solitary confinement where they comprise over 60% of naked inmates in cold, closet-sized cells, 23 hours each day for months or years. When I began advocacy to decriminalize mental illness in America, I believed that elected officials and experts did not understand the problems and needs of acute mental patients and their families. AIMI members propose (a) mandated psychiatric treatment for patients exiting jails and hospitals, (b) subsistence assistance for those who require it, and (c) more hospital space for patients in crisis or those who require long-term containment due to crimes or extreme disability. Then I learned that Kendra's Law, an AOT program, had already proved to reduce homelessness, hospitalization, arrests, and incarceration by roughly 90% among program participants in New York. With such an excellent success rate, what then is the excuse for not instituting AOT programs nationwide and worldwide?
Crime and prison costs were practically eliminated regarding the AOT program participants. Lives were saved, and people were restored to wholesome lives. Obviously, mental health experts and lawmakers did not really need my efforts to know what must be done to decriminalize mental illness and eliminate homelessness among our most vulnerable citizens. All decision makers need do is put the welfare of human beings above their stock portfolios and treat other people as they wish to be treated.
It is fitting for the Mental Health Conference to focus on equity. The denial of records and accountability regarding my brother's murder proves that mentally ill Americans are not treated equally to dogs, whose abuse or murders are vigorously investigated and prosecuted. In the six (6) petitions below, many mentally challenged people, their family members, and others who are concerned about justice and human rights share their experiences and insight on the issues that will be discussed at the conference. Petitioners' comments can be reviewed without the need to endorse the petitions. Please consider what people most impacted have to say, and do the right thing. They are also experts on mental illness.
(NOTE: Signatures on these six petitions are sometimes prevented by cyberstalkers hired to block efforts to decriminalize mental illness.)
DOG JUSTICE FOR THE MENTALLY ILL - Petition for Justice 4 Larry Neal
Petititoners ask the United States Department of Justice to investigate the secret arrest and murder of a lifelong mentally ill heart patient, my brother Larry Neal. (Select "view signatures.")
Justice 4 Larry Neal Petition
See comments from across petitioners across the globe. It's a shame when people in other countries have to petition the U.S. to please be fair and tell an 88-year-old mother how and why her handicapped son died in secret government custody.
Justice 4 Jeremy Petition - Lifelong schizophrenic in CA prison hole http://www.thepetitionsite.com/1/JusticeForJeremy
California is breaking under its heavy prison debt but it has money to imprison a schizophrenic young man for EIGHT YEARS for merely hitting another mental patient in the mental hospital. Smith faces the possibility of additional sentencing for speaking insolently to a prison guard during a psychotic crisis - typical for severe mental patients. A conviction for "making terrorist threats" would be Jeremy's third strike. Prison profiteerism has practically bankrupted California.
PETITION TO SAVE SGT. RUSSEL - Hospitals, Not Prisons for Sick Soldiers & Vets!
This petition supports a soldier who suffered a violent PTSD episode on the last part of his third tour of duty in a combat zone. Should he be imprisoned or treated?
Petition to Save Andre Thomas and Stop Executing Mental Patients
Andre Thomas has eaten both his eyes since imprisonment, but remains on Texas death row. A judge ruled that Thomas is "crazy but sane under Texas law" (his words).
The petition below shows some of the opposition to human rights advocacy, particularly if it threatens prison profits:
Stop Censorship and Terrorism Against Mary Neal
Human and civil rights protections requested to end censorship and endangerment to Mary Neal, advocate for decriminalizing mental illness and ending capital punishment, racism, classism, and hypocrisy in government.
The entire article announcing the mental health equity conference is at this link: http://alturl.com/4dqep - Vote for Rep. Eddie Johnson's bill to resume Medicaid for mental hospital insurance and read blogs in support of H.R.619 at this link: http://www.opencongress.org/bill/111-h619/blogs
Mentally challenged persons and their family members thank conference participants for focusing on equity this year. May God bless attendees and decision makers with the mind of Christ, who states, "Such as you do unto ONE of the least of these, My brethren, you do also unto Me." (Matt. 25:40) Mentally ill people simply need decision makers to practice the Golden Rule - http://www.teachingvalues.com/goldenrule.html - including journalists who refuse to report to the American people that congressional bill H.R.619 exists.
Mary Neal
Website - http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/
Follow me at Twitter, where I am KoffieTime! http://twitter.com/koffietime
Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Mass Hypnosis, by Mary Neal
UPDATED March 2011 - Below are a 3-stanza poem, 19 links, a video regarding my family's siege by Georgia police to hide my brother's lynching, an excerpt from AP report re African Americans' return to poverty, and excerpt from ACLU's report about mass hypnosis, saying "PSYOPS" was possibly used on the U.S. Congress to facilitate the invasion of Afghanistan, and a paragraph with comments re: denial of civil and human rights for Africans in America, like the Neal family re "Wrongful Death of Larry Neal" http://wrongfuldeathoflarryneal.com/
Mass Hypnosis
This is how we'll win the game
Blacks' economic gains wiped out in downturn. -- Economists say the Great Recession lasted from 2007 to 2009. In 2004, the median net worth of white households was $134,280, compared with $13,450 for black households, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy Institute. By 2009, the median net worth for white households had fallen 24 percent to $97,860; the median black net worth had fallen 83 percent to $2,170, according to the EPI.
Algernon Austin, director of the EPI's Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy, described the current wealth gap this way: "In 2009, for every dollar of wealth the average white household had, black households only had two cents."
Over $10 trillion was spent on war in recent years, which is the main cause of poverty in the United States of America. PROOF that mass hypnosis exists: Black soldiers helped invade Africa on March 19, 2011. Regarding the Libyan invasion, I see U.S. soldiers invading Africa in a new military conflict that had no congressional approval using borrowed money while schools are closing, millions of Americans are unemployed, and Miami police just killed seven black men in eight months in a country where 37 Georgia prisoners disappeared in December 2010 after leading a nonviolent inmate labor strike for human rights. I see before me a blog written by a woman who is censored, persecuted, and stalked for exposing crimes against humanity in America and asking what happened to her mentally, physically disabled brother who was secretly arrested in the USA and murdered. What do you see? Wake up at the count of 3 - 1, 2, 3! Visit more of my websites and blogs to bring people out of their fog at these links:
The "Mass Hypnosis" poem is dedicated to White Supremacists and their Negro Confederate Soldiers, especially those who lynched my brother, Larry Neal, after three weeks of secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003 and those in The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm who defrauded my family to help the jail escape accountability.
Mass Hypnosis is dedicated to non-violent inmates and innocent people who were drawn from the slave pool to join 2.3 million Americans behind bars, including 1.25 million mentally ill people, including veterans suffering PTSD, who are from minority and poor white white families and incarcerated for reason of a common, treatable health disability. Taxpayers save nothing by this cruel injustice, but prison investors gain.
The poem is for everyone who believes CHANGE should mean justice.
When my elderly mother and I sued The Johnnie Cochran Firm for defrauding us to help Memphis/Shelby County Jail avoid accountability for killing my mentally, physically handicapped brother after 18 days of secret arrest, the law firm had no defense. Therefore, The Cochran Firm claimed nonexistence in the State of Georgia where I suit was served and no law office in Memphis, where our contract for legal services was signed. Surprisingly, Georgia judges allowed the obvious perjury. It may be possible for judges not to see The Cochran Firm offices that are clearly visible from the upper floors of both Superior Court and USDC in Atlanta. Perhaps the courts could not recognize that the most famous and prolifically advertised plaintiffs' law firm in the state was lying to avoid a jury trial. Maybe the judges were hypnotized when they dismissed the Neal's lawsuit based on the obvious perjury by The Cochran Firm attorneys. Such frauds keep The Cochran Firm's name clear to defraud other minorities like the Ramapough People of New Jersey, an African/Native American tribe that suffered decades of environmental racism by Ford Motor Company.
Congress Should Investigate Military Use of "PSYOPS" on Members of Congress
Mass Hypnosis
This is how we'll win the game
Let just a few live the dream
Marches, sit-ins all in vain
Make 'em think they overcame
Show 'em an empty Jim Crowe grave
Apologize for making 'em slaves
Rising tempers, we must tame
Make 'em think they overcame.
Let a few experience success
Toms come aboard and control the rest
Millions will be left in pain
But they'll think they overcame.
("Mass Hypnosis" - All rights reserved by Mary Neal 11/13/10)
Many African Americans feel that their own lives have progressed when they see black people in leading roles on television, in high government positions, or in positions of power in corporate America. The truth for the masses is very different, as reported in an article by Jesse Washington, with the Associated Press - updated 7/12/2011. It states, "A generation that played by the rules and saw progress falls out of the middle class." I call it "Yes We Can Be Po Again!" Excerpts are below.
Blacks' economic gains wiped out in downturn. -- Economists say the Great Recession lasted from 2007 to 2009. In 2004, the median net worth of white households was $134,280, compared with $13,450 for black households, according to an analysis of Federal Reserve data by the Economic Policy Institute. By 2009, the median net worth for white households had fallen 24 percent to $97,860; the median black net worth had fallen 83 percent to $2,170, according to the EPI.
Algernon Austin, director of the EPI's Program on Race, Ethnicity and the Economy, described the current wealth gap this way: "In 2009, for every dollar of wealth the average white household had, black households only had two cents."
Since the end of the recession, the overall unemployment rate has fallen from 9.4 to 9.1 percent, while the black unemployment rate has risen from 14.7 to 16.2 percent, according to the Department of Labor. (link - http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/43645168/ns/business-eye_on_the_economy/ )
The "Mass Hypnosis" poem is dedicated to White Supremacists and their Negro Confederate Soldiers, especially those who lynched my brother, Larry Neal, after three weeks of secret arrest in Memphis Shelby County Jail in 2003 and those in The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm who defrauded my family to help the jail escape accountability.
It is also dedicated to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, who investigated Michael Vick's dogs' murders but withholds investigation regarding Larry's death. It is dedicated to the three attorney generals before Holder, who also feel that laws against murder do not deserve enforcement if a black man was killed in the injustice system.
Mass Hypnosis is dedicated to non-violent inmates and innocent people who were drawn from the slave pool to join 2.3 million Americans behind bars, including 1.25 million mentally ill people, including veterans suffering PTSD, who are from minority and poor white white families and incarcerated for reason of a common, treatable health disability. Taxpayers save nothing by this cruel injustice, but prison investors gain.
The poem is for everyone who believes CHANGE should mean justice.
The poem is especially dedicated to the two black Atlanta police officers who answered a 911 call in June 2010 to violate my First Amendment rights to free speech and free press. They demanded that I immediately leave the public sidewalk in front of the court-declared "nonexistent" office of The (Johnnie) Cochran Firm and stop telling people about my brother's murder under secret arrest, media censorship to protect the credibility of the law firm that defrauded my elderly mother and family to protect police who killed my handicapped brother.
When my elderly mother and I sued The Johnnie Cochran Firm for defrauding us to help Memphis/Shelby County Jail avoid accountability for killing my mentally, physically handicapped brother after 18 days of secret arrest, the law firm had no defense. Therefore, The Cochran Firm claimed nonexistence in the State of Georgia where I suit was served and no law office in Memphis, where our contract for legal services was signed. Surprisingly, Georgia judges allowed the obvious perjury. It may be possible for judges not to see The Cochran Firm offices that are clearly visible from the upper floors of both Superior Court and USDC in Atlanta. Perhaps the courts could not recognize that the most famous and prolifically advertised plaintiffs' law firm in the state was lying to avoid a jury trial. Maybe the judges were hypnotized when they dismissed the Neal's lawsuit based on the obvious perjury by The Cochran Firm attorneys. Such frauds keep The Cochran Firm's name clear to defraud other minorities like the Ramapough People of New Jersey, an African/Native American tribe that suffered decades of environmental racism by Ford Motor Company.
Mass hypnosis is possible. According to an ACLU report I received, it appears that even the U.S. Congress was a victim of mass hypnosis. See this link: http://www.aclu.org/national-security/aclu-asks-congress-investigate-military-use-psyops-members-congress An excerpt is below.
Congress Should Investigate Military Use of "PSYOPS" on Members of Congress
Congress should investigate allegations that a U.S. Army general improperly ordered military personnel to conduct "psychological operations" (PSYOPS) on members of Congress to manipulate them into supporting funding for the war in Afghanistan. The ACLU also urged Congress to broaden its oversight of the military's intelligence gathering operations. The allegations of the illegal use of PSYOPS first appeared in Rolling Stone magazine late last week.
If the allegations are true, the reported conduct was in direct violation of U.S. law and Department of Defense policy, and represents an affront to core democratic principles of civilian control over the military.
My question is, if the invasion on Afghanistan is perceived to have been caused by PSYOPS, will the 112th Congress order full withdrawal of American troops? Is PSYOPS contagious?
When you read the number 3, you will wake up: 1, 2, 3!
See articles and more poetry to promote human rights and justice in the index for this blog http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/ . See the video below and share with your friends and groups using the "Add This" feature if they let you, or republish this article in its entirety on your websites. The blog carries many stories about injustices to "slave class" Americans of all races and ends with the solution: BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE - Give corporations and government a FINANCIAL incentive to Change. The love of money is the root of ALL evil. Consumer power must be used to fight unethical business practices (law and disorder) financially. As long as there is no financial consequence for wrongs, elitists ignore marches, petitions, and community outrage like a child having a tantrum.
Thanks for your interest in justice for ALL. I believe a certain amount of relaxation is necessary to be hypnotized. Dodging in-person and online stalkers like I have since suing The Cochran Firm and organizing Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) keeps one alert. See this video: "Georgia Family Under Siege to Hide Lynching – Atty Needed" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-5znkiEfFM WAKE UP SHEEPLE! IT'S KOFFIETIME! Follow me at Twitter where I am Koffietime - http://twitter.com/koffietime
Mary Neal's Google Profile - http://www.google.com/profiles/MaryLovesJustice - Get the RSS feed for my Care2 Sharebook at: http://www.care2.com/c2c/share/rss.html/513396753/0/ - Get the RSS feed for my Twitter KOFFIETIME at http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/59790083.rss - Current, urgent justice issues from a laywoman's viewpoint at my primary blog http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/ (the name is a joke, believe me) Recommended articles - http://topsy.com/site/freespeakblog.blogspot.com - Address: MaryLovesJustice@gmail.com
If the allegations are true, the reported conduct was in direct violation of U.S. law and Department of Defense policy, and represents an affront to core democratic principles of civilian control over the military.
My question is, if the invasion on Afghanistan is perceived to have been caused by PSYOPS, will the 112th Congress order full withdrawal of American troops? Is PSYOPS contagious?
When you read the number 3, you will wake up: 1, 2, 3!
See articles and more poetry to promote human rights and justice in the index for this blog http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/ . See the video below and share with your friends and groups using the "Add This" feature if they let you, or republish this article in its entirety on your websites. The blog carries many stories about injustices to "slave class" Americans of all races and ends with the solution: BOYCOTT 4 JUSTICE - Give corporations and government a FINANCIAL incentive to Change. The love of money is the root of ALL evil. Consumer power must be used to fight unethical business practices (law and disorder) financially. As long as there is no financial consequence for wrongs, elitists ignore marches, petitions, and community outrage like a child having a tantrum.
Thanks for your interest in justice for ALL. I believe a certain amount of relaxation is necessary to be hypnotized. Dodging in-person and online stalkers like I have since suing The Cochran Firm and organizing Assistance to the Incarcerated Mentally Ill (AIMI) keeps one alert. See this video: "Georgia Family Under Siege to Hide Lynching – Atty Needed" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-5znkiEfFM WAKE UP SHEEPLE! IT'S KOFFIETIME! Follow me at Twitter where I am Koffietime - http://twitter.com/koffietime
Mary Neal's Google Profile - http://www.google.com/profiles/MaryLovesJustice - Get the RSS feed for my Care2 Sharebook at: http://www.care2.com/c2c/share/rss.html/513396753/0/ - Get the RSS feed for my Twitter KOFFIETIME at http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/59790083.rss - Current, urgent justice issues from a laywoman's viewpoint at my primary blog http://freespeakblog.blogspot.com/ (the name is a joke, believe me) Recommended articles - http://topsy.com/site/freespeakblog.blogspot.com - Address: MaryLovesJustice@gmail.com
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